Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
ILEs are more expansive and dynamic. They're the kind of type that spreads information everywhere. ILEs will likely talk about anything, especially about things that they've just learned. They're like viruses. They'll come to your house and take anything and everything that they can get their hands on, especially food. They seem to have no concept of privacy or personal belongings. They seem to do or say a lot of things without thinking about it too much.
This has been my experience with living with two of them growing-up, particularly these parts...

ILEs have this very artificial Fe politeness, especially in public. ILEs seem to care a lot about what everybody else think of them.
A lot of these points I've recently brought up for the real life examples section for ILE.
I've observed them to go out of their way to be nice to strangers and immediately turn to a detached state when the stranger leaves; it dose come of as an obsession with wanting to be admired and adored but that behavior fades as soon as you get close to them, because that behavior isn't natural to them even if it's not intentionally meant to be manipulative.
I'm guessing they do this to get Si+Fe, someone to take care of them and shower them with positive lovey emotions...

But when they forget to have manners they can be very "rude" or "offensive". I mean seriously rude, and at times even threatening and intimidating. But these are usually very short lived. After an incident they will likely forget about it. They don't even seem to remember themselves. Even after having a fight with them, they will try to be "buddy-buddy" with you all over again. This can be very puzzling and I think that's what Fi PoLR is all about. At their core they seem to just want to get along with everybody and fight for themselves and their values.
Yes, very much so. PoLR's can say and do some really messed-up things to people and than pull a 180 latter by acting positive to you as if everything they said/did prior never happened. Before finding Socionics, I thought this behavior could be attributed to them being Bipolar or having an Antisocial disorder