Alright, folks.. I've been trying to figure this out for far too long. Now, I'll ask your help, so I can end this bit of internal torment.

Firstly, I took rmcnew's test a *take a deep breath* whopping 7 times! The following are links to my results:


They keep telling me ENTp. But you see, the reason I took his test was to finally decide between P and J and finish off my currently known type (INTx). So now having seen all those results, I'm quite a bit more confused.


Here is a chart of my relationship experience with each personality type:

Great!    More good than bad    More bad than good    Bad!    Unknown
------    ------------------    ------------------    ----    -------
INTP      ENFP                  ESFJ                  ISTJ    ENTP
INFJ      INFP                                        ISFJ    ENTJ
ISTP      ENFJ                                        INTJ    ESTP
ISFP is in the bad category because they are soooooooo sensitive to me, not because they are evil.

The one that's really oscillatory is ESFP. I think it could be good, if given enough time, and the proper setting..

I've always been a quiet person, definitely a loner. I am not at all shy, but I become very conscious of myself when its time to "screw around." That is, I can't parade around like an idiot and enjoy myself. I see ENFps do it all the time (except the idiot part), and I become jealous. If they turn all that manic'ness towards me, however, I become very closed up, irritated, and do whatever I can to direct them elsewhere. Essentially, I like to watch ENFps and dream of doing what they do.

I'm no good with people. Give me a day or two, and I can piss pretty much anyone off. I don't do it on purpose, but it just happens. After a period of time people take a liking to me, though. ALWAYS.

People always comment to me that I am often awkward in the way I act. I can never understand what they mean, or what I have done to be awkward, but its a very common thing people say to me.

I'm really lazy, and would be really happy if I could do as I please for the rest of my life. When I go out in public, or am involved in an activity that I really enjoy, then I become really stable and strict. Eventually, though, my interest in an activity wanes, and then my true colors begin to show (i grow lazy).

I liked Math, Sciences, and Philosophy in high school. I hated English, and ABSOLUTELY DESPISED History (ugh, what a pain in the rear it was)!

Hrm.. I don't handle schedules very well, and I am always late. I am one of those people who could get lost in an interesting activity and engage in it for days at a time without noticing. There was this one time I was writing a piece of software, and I stayed up programming for about 2 days straight, and I didnt even know until my mom came and yelled at me.

I'm very indecisive. Not because I don't know what I want to do, in the literal sense, but because I have to sit down and think all my options through.

I'm jumpy, and often speak too soon. Like, I dream of being a calm and collected person at all times, but I am not that way yet. When I get excited, I am lost in it, and just start saying things without a bit of forethought. It is very embarrasing for me.

I don't handle emotions well. I have a history of being punished by my school systems for things I didn't do, and so now everytime I am accused of something that I wasn't responsible for doing, I lose it, and bite people's heads off.

When I get frustrated, I am really snappy also. At those times, I just don't want to be around people, I just want to focus on removing the source of my frustration. Whenever someone comes near me, I yell at them to go away. I'm just unstable.

Hate chores, washing dishes, doing homework, etc...

People think I am a softy. I don't really think I am, but everyone says I am really sensitive to criticism, and get really sulky when being brute forced. I dunno. But this is what people say.

If there is anything else you would like to know, to help get me a frickin' personality type, then ask.. I'll probably answer.