Some more information --

Neither my brother nor myself were particularly active in the dating scene during high school; we were both more or less stereotypical "NT nerds" in that area. And neither of us were comfortable discussing that side of our lives with our parents; I'm not sure of the reasons in his case; in mine was that our father would on occasion make remarks like "how come you haven't got a girlfriend yet?" that made me cut him off totally from that subject, forever. I never even discussed that kind of matter with him.

The first girl my brother introduced home as "this is my girlfriend" was the SEI he ended up marrying; they met at university. For some bizarre reason our father disliked her at first; he used to say "university is no place to meet girls". That made even our ESE mother say to him, "are you nuts? Where else then?" We never understood what his reasoning was in that area.

They've been married for many years and never had any kind of fight that I know of. She's a devout Catholic who goes to mass every Sunday and likes to go on theology seminars; he's an atheist. But he just stays home when she goes to the mass and that's it. Not a source of trouble at all.

She has no problem with his pickiness in food and fondness for cats. They like the same kind of movies and the like. They don't read the same kind of books but that's a non-issue.

I'm trying hard to find any issue at all between them -- I can't think of any.

My brother's long-term "pack of friends", all men, are one SLI, one LSE, one LII, two other ILEs, and one SLE. I got along with the LSE best, then the SLI, then the LII.