Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
i never understood the issues with travel, though.
It's a bit odd - and that's perhaps the clearest sign of irrationality. It goes like this. My brother will usually say "no" to traveling to a new place. Then he will go due to outside pressure - because of the family, his wife, friends, whatever. Then he will go there and like it. Then he will be willing to go there again - but not to new and different places.

For instance, he had shown no interest whatsoever in going to Italy. Then his wife had to live there for 6 months for work. Then he went there to visit her. After that, he's keen to go there again. And so, slowly, he accumulates "acceptable" places to go to. But I daresay that if he had never been "forced" to go anywhere, he wouldn't travel at all.

It's the same thing with food. The most difficult thing - or nearly impossible - is to get him to try new dishes. Since his tastes in food aren't complicated, expensive or even unhealthy - they're just very limited - our parents soon "gave up on the fight" to try him to increase his menu.

The two things are related and seem to suggest low , but I can't explain it -- or, rather, his is visible only in connection to .

Somehow he's very conservative as to which kind of he can "trust" -- maybe the Delta, specifically IEE, inclination to travel and see the world is more + with . But I'm not sure why that should be so.