Because I was bored, and could not see the point of a "What's my Type".

Extremely picky with food, probably more so than anyone else I've ever known. Very easily overachiever when studying, from primary school to university. Usually became a sort of "minor legend" with math teachers. No interest in sports whatsoever, either to watch or to participate, despite being naturally tall and fairly strong.

He wanted to study astronomy, our mother "forbade" him from doing it, he went for engineering, got bored, moved to then-nascent computer science. Rode the wave of the PC boom of the 80s, getting lots of temporary and permanent job offers, easily, while still in college. Gradually "forgot" university and just finished his degree 10 years later. Thought "he had made it" when he was 24 and so married his college SEI gf. However, the PC boom lost steam - or, rather, competition became fierce - and he lost his job in around 1993. Since then, he makes a good living - without really making lots of money - as an independent IT contractor, doing all kinds of things. The instability doesn't seem to bother him; the SEI wife is the one with a steady job.

Has a huge collection of books - apart from technical ones, they are all in one of these categories: Science fiction (classics, like Heinlein, Asimov, etc); Tolkien and similar; games (cards, role-playing games, etc), pets, and photography. He has practically no books about anything else.

He has a "pack" of friends since high school with whom he keeps in touch; at one point in his life, he and his friends met once a week to play games, changing them: from bridge to D&D to whatever.

He was the only member of the family who enjoyed going fishing with our SEI father; on the other hand, I'd go with our father on rollercoasters, which my brother hated. He and my father could spend the whole day doing nothing but fishing.

My brother has 4 cats in his flat, and two of them he "rescued" as small kittens alone in the street. He's devoted to them.

He has no interest in traveling to different places, or in learning languages apart from the necessary professionally. He does like to travel, but then usually to places he already knows and likes. He's as picky with travel as he is with food.

He has no interest in investing money. He and his wife work hard, earn good money, and spend it. They don't throw it away and do worry about having their own house, etc. But once that is accomplished, they pretty much spend all their available income. My brother is a gadget freak: he just has to have whatever the latest version of a cellphone, laptop, camera, etc. Usually he's among the first people to buy whatever new electronic thing comes into the market.

He does things like buying the whole DVD collection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but leaving it off his "official" collection, so visitors won't know he bought it.

That's it for now.