Lmao. I’ve often said I wish the old conservatives in this state, the snowbirds and such, would die already. In hindsight though, probably a bit harsh lol. But yeah, I definitely feel you. You are correct on the “special” Jewish people also who in some cases were just as bad if not worse to the less privileged Jewish people. I’m reading Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning in which he mentions that. Hopefully I can stick with it, I’m a shit reader concentration/focus wise these days.
Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I was talking to a recently married woman the other day about how you can choose your partners but you can't choose your partner's family, and she said that she's reluctant to say it, but her husband's father voted for Trump. "Because there was no one else to vote for", she said. Implying that her father-in-law would never consider Hillary.

"But you know, he's having some second thoughts now."

"So?" I said. "You know that "second thoughts" thing is bullshit, don't you?"

"What? Nooooo."

"Yes. Your father-in-law knows that Trump is a bad human being, but HE'S GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN ANYWAY!"
I'm afraid I get carried away when I get confronted with massive stupidity.

"I'll bet you $10 that he'll vote for him again. $10 says that your father-in-law is a fuckhead. $10."

"I don't know about that......"

"Here", I said. "Look up "The Authoritarians" on Google. Just type it in right now."
She did, and she got this: https://www.theauthoritarians.org/

And of course, having an explanation right in front of her that disagreed with her belief that her father-in-law is next to God, she didn't read it. Instead, she said "I agree with him about keeping troublemakers out of the country. But he should let in smart people instead."

She happens to be a very smart Iranian. If Trump is re-elected, she won't have to read it. She can experience it for herself. Trump hates all foreigners, smart, stupid, and in-between*. She somehow thinks that she will be an exception to his plans. All Authoritarian followers do. Just ask the Jews who stayed in Germany because they were "exceptional". ....Oh, wait. You can't ask them. There aren't any.

They say that education is expensive. But it costs nothing compared to ignorance.

*Trump also hates anyone who ever helped him, because being in a position to help him would make them too close to his level of Godhood, and his massive level of narcissism won't permit that. Everyone he hires is "so great, just so beautiful for the job" until they leave, and then everything that is going wrong is their fault.

Man, I hate narcissists.

And I think that all Authoritarians should be put on an island and be left alone until they all kill each other. Anyone trying to leave the island would be shot.
You see? We could make evolution and "selection of the fittest" apply to humans once again. Maybe they will emerge from the island with flying saucers or some such BS. But I somehow doubt it.