View Poll Results: type of Donald Trump?

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  • ILE (ENTp)

    3 1.62%
  • SEI (ISFp)

    3 1.62%
  • ESE (ESFj)

    3 1.62%
  • LII (INTj)

    2 1.08%
  • SLE (ESTp)

    119 64.32%
  • IEI (INFp)

    2 1.08%
  • EIE (ENFj)

    8 4.32%
  • LSI (ISTj)

    2 1.08%
  • SEE (ESFp)

    47 25.41%
  • ILI (INTp)

    2 1.08%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    8 4.32%
  • ESI (ISFj)

    1 0.54%
  • IEE (ENFp)

    2 1.08%
  • SLI (ISTp)

    3 1.62%
  • LSE (ESTj)

    5 2.70%
  • EII (INFj)

    4 2.16%
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Thread: Donald Trump

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  1. #1
    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    Okay, I'm hooked. This is kind of fascinating to me. So here's

    Reinin Dichotomies (SLE vs SEE)
    Emotive (SEE) / Constructivist (SLE) -

    I took these from Reinin. I tried to use the examples lsited, rather than the generalized dichotomies because I think generalizations can be misleading.

    Constructivists(SLE): "I try to reduce emotional contact. I always start with a set of automatic responses (give slippers, pour some tea or coffee...)" "If somebody has come for a shoulder to cry on I generally know what to do" "It is so much easier to come into contact over some objective matter (interaction by pertaining to the matter at hand)" "I prefer when people offer me concrete solutions to my problems—it is better than consolations" "If I wish to help, then of course by action. Very rarely I call just to inquire how things are going. I track moods in parallel" "I listen to music depending on my mood" "I will re-read the whole book for specific paragraphs... What does it mean "poorly written"? It stirs me—that's what's important" "I drive over to the same place, it's as if I'm visiting my home" "I try not to see movies that I know are emotionally heavy. I won't watch them over again most certainly" "I can worry for people for a long time, even those whom I casually met" "The first time you watch a comedy is to laugh—after that it's to relive these experiences".

    Emotivist (SEE): "First of all, I attempt to create a comfortable psychological atmosphere. I try to direct new people into the situation, "build bridges", help them "accommodate" so that they feel at ease" "I strike up new contacts with words, not actions" "If emotional atmosphere of an interaction is negative I consider the conversation "wasted" (unsuccessful)" "Before a dialogue I as if check the emotional states of people involved and try to positively orient them" "It's easier to change the emotional background" "I can talk about various things that I don't believe in or have no interest in simply "for the spirit" of the conversation" "I need new experiences so I am likely to visit a new place. If I return, then I return to a place where "the road has changed" since I last visited" "I won't watch a movie that was poorly directed. Poorly written book doesn't stir and involve me" "I'll re-read a book if I have forgotten the storyline" "If I'm asked to consider/do something what I'll most remember is the act of request itself".

    I don't think Trump is good orientating people's emotional states or striking up people to build psychological bridges and such. His relations are shaky and he does often seem to have a purpose in mind for the people in his relations. So SLE here

    positivist (SEE)/negativist (SLE)

    Positivists: "At first I trust people, distrust needs to be substantiated" "I always believe in a positive outcome. I will most likely talk about positives. I don't issue warnings of possible failures—why bring people down, may be everything will be ok" "It irritates me when people talk only of character flaws and inadequacies in others" "I try not to give instructions on avoidance or failure" "When giving instructions I avoid giving orders like "Don't do it! Don't go!" "Even negative experience can be positive" "I start off by trusting people and then work from there."

    Negativists: "My first reaction to everything is "no!" whatever it might be" "I don't speak of the positives" "One must take into account all the negative aspects. It goes without saying that people are capable of anything" "If the mood is too good - something is not right" "In my instructions I always give people "negative" orientation points. I foresee all the negative moments and try to make provisions for them" "People in general are good, but it's better to keep your distance from them" "When I was authoring a textbook, I constructed my proofs "by method of contradiction"" "Most often I bring bad news" "When asked "How's it going?" I answer "Not well." "How am I going to entertain myself? Certainly I wouldn't go to a restaurant, neither a casino ... but somewhere out to nature..." "There will be a building there, but that's not what you're looking for. After that you will see a street, but don't take it, continue on your path. Go around the building and don't use the first two entrances."

    Trump often demands loyalty. I don't think he trusts people as a positivist. He often issues warnings and omens, not very positive. He talks a lot of other people's character flaws. And he loves giving orders. Don't see positivist there either. He seems to like giving criticism and has no problem saying no. He often focuses on the negatives of other people's decisions. I think negativist fits better here too. So SLE here

    asking (SEE) / declaring (SLE)

    Askers: "Is there more then one way? Yes" (The person has fully repeated the question they were asked) "Where to begin? Well, what would you like to know? Yesterday I went..." (The response to a question "what did you do yesterday" is with a series of questions practically removing the significance of giving an answer)

    Declarers: "When people list their interests I don't understand whether it is with the intention to pursue the interests or what?" (The question sounds like a statement) Declarer: Will you be there? Asker: Who? I? Very well.

    Trump's twitter comments are usually very categorical and declarative. His questions almost always imply a direct answer. So SLE

    Obstinate (SEE) / Yielding (SLE)

    Compliant: "Affairs can be yours and those of other people who can compel you with their requests" "Interests that cannot be realized eventually become uninteresting. I let go of old interests easily" "I try to limit my affairs, how many things I'm involved with, how many things I am suppose to do. Potentially this is interesting to me but I will not undertake it" "If I know that I can't do something, I will reject it and will forget about it" "If I have an interest, it is, naturally, reflected by capabilities. If something is impossible I won't go wasting my time and effort on it." "I don't understand people who list all kinds of interests... personally I clearly know what my capabilities are"

    Obstinate: "I never let go of my favorite occupations. I will do them at expense of sleep, food..." "I certainly won't abandon it.... I'm inclined to squeeze the situation to the very end" "I can't let go of my interests out of fear of destruction and loss of my personality" "My interests are at the limits of my physical capabilities. When my physical capabilities show me their limits—I back away, but I will do this only as a very last resort... but even then I will not abandon them but "postpone" them and await the moment when I have sufficient resources. I won't let go of my interests, even though the resources are already insufficient..."

    Heh, I could see obstinate here for Trump though. That does seem like him much more. So SEE

    result (SLE) / process (SEE)

    Right/process: "Finishing something is not easy, it us also not easy to start something, but the most difficult thing is to return to the middle of something I've abandoned long time ago" "I read the book to the end of the chapter and a several pages into the next chapter... the thought of something coming to an end is frightening." "God forbid that I start a game of solitaire, I will "hang" with it for a long time (regarding a computer game)" "It is difficult to force myself to undertake a task, but afterwards it just rolls forward by itself."

    Left/result: "The matter at hand must be known. If estimations are not final, they must at least be intermediate." "It is very interesting for me to start or complete a matter... I like visualizing a finished project or task." "The most horrible thing is when something just won't end." "I feel like a juggler; in my hands—several activities (processes). I am aware of two points—the beginning and the end." "Why can't you simultaneously listen and eat?"

    I probably don't really understand this, but probably process (SEE)

    Merry (SLE) / Objectivists (SEE)

    Merry/Subjectivists: "Fun is a lot of emotion... company of friends, where we can exchange news, possibly go have something to eat, sing a song" "Fun is getting involved, when you actively participate. When you watch or read something, this is educational, but fun is an active state of constant excitement, something one cannot confuse with leisure (restful state)... perhaps fun for me is an animated dialogue that (as opposed to a fight, quarrel, etc.) is pleasant" "Reading books, opera - this is not fun... fun is heightened vitality" "Fun is a state of liberation when everyone is not being very serious" "Fun is pleasure, recklessness, everyone participates, some boundaries may get crossed" "If I'm in a company of new people and nobody introduces me, for me it is not a problem to introduce myself" "The majority of people with whom I chat, I may not know their full name" "The process of coming into contact can consist of any steps, becoming acquainted is not necessary" "For me, in company, the names of others are not important" "I remembered what his name was only after a week, even though we had already passionately kissed (about meeting her future husband)" "When I see that someone doing something wrong, I first have to check if that is any of my business. If it concerns me, then my first reaction is to step back and let him have enough... I have my own criteria for how things should be. Other people may have their own criteria" "First, put down the axe, then explain why you are doing that" "I assumed that I have said all that was relevant to the given theme/topic"

    Serious/Objectivists: "It is difficult for me to distinguish work activities apart from fun. Fun is difficult to define ..." "I approach everything seriously, even rest" "It is always possible to find something entertaining/zany in the serious, and vice versa" "Studying should be fun. Work without an entertaining element is impossible" "What constitutes "fun" to me is not clear, what is leisure - that is clear, what is entertainment - that is also clear" "It is important that I get introduced when I'm in company of people I never met before, or better yet, that they have been told a little about myself" "I engage another person on conditions that he/she has proposed, I do not engage the person if I do not know whether the contact will be "pleasant" for him/her" "I do not like it when other people "thrust" themselves upon me or when it is done to others, for example, if suddenly my aunt whom I'm seeing for the first time starts calling me "honey" or use some other endearing expression" "The name is important. If a person does not state their name, it often means that they do not want to have a conversation" "If it is done the wrong way? Oy! It is easier for me to grab it and do it myself than to waste my time explaining. In my opinion there is only one way to "hammer a nail"" "There are things with which it is clear that some methods are futile/fruitless and that there are more effective ways of doing it. It's very irritating when a person consistently fails to see this and keeps choosing inappropriate methods" "When I see something performed ineffectively it makes my stomach churn" "It is painful for me to see something that contradicts common sense and I can do nothing about it. If I can interfere with the situation, I will do so regardless of whether or not it concerns me" "The methods habitual to the person within the framework of his/her experience are not the same thing as objective method of doing things (this is evident by the results)".

    I'm not sure. I can see aspects of both. I was curious about personal accounts about him now, so I went to quora...

    There's gold like this in there

    "Someone I know golfed with Trump at a charity event. Apparently the Donald was cheating rather blatantly, and was called out.

    When asked to stop cheating, Trump responded:

    “I cheat on my taxes, I cheat on my wives, and I cheat at Golf. Get used to it.”

    Trump then smiled broadly, and kept cheating."

    or this (

    to this
    "I can tell you this: as a con-man, I'm sure his impression in person is a lot more respectful and trustworthy than he really is. That's what makes him a good con man. Many businessmen in NYC know that about him. But what you see in the TV video clips of him in his speeches and interviews, he is really 99% driven by his ego and inability to admit to anything less than his personal perfection. It has been shown in by many in studies that he is a flagrant and compulsive liar. He is very thin-skinned (because of his ego). He is a dangerous individual in a position of power. His ego prevents him from believing he doesn't know everything, and therefore it prevents him from opening his mind to learn how the world really works. For example, his belief that climate change is a Chinese hoax.

    Before you just dismiss me as another disgruntled Hillary-lover, I am not. Look around you (figuratively). There is a tremendous number of protests against him, there are very many high-profile public figures that openly criticize him, not just his policies, but his very ability to be a competent leader. My local high-school students even staged a walk-out protest during school hours, even though they knew there would be punishment. No other president in the last century has so many detractors (yes, there are always a few, but this is unprecedented.)
    The author of his book, who spent a great deal of time with him, admits that the guy was a bit crazy and unhinged. The producers and many others who worked for his Apprentice show also admit to pretty much the same.
    He is greatly flawed as a leader. But he is a good con-man, and a good con-man knows how to make a good impression. It's what they do."

    So serious type (SEE) here.

    So imo, he's
    objectivist (SEE)
    Aristocrat (SLE)
    process (SEE)
    obstinate (SEE)
    constructivist (SLE)
    negativist (SLE)
    declaring (SLE)

    So I don't know now. I see too many conflicting aspects of both types. He's a bit of an enigma and now I'm wondering how much of his personality is a persona.

    //shit, I couldn't turn it off without delving further. I am process type?

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by MegaDoodoo View Post
    Okay, I'm hooked. This is kind of fascinating to me. So here's

    Reinin Dichotomies (SLE vs SEE)
    Emotive (SEE) / Constructivist (SLE) -
    Socionics can be really fun and contain far more depth than there at first seems. I love how people in the past few decades have done a ton of leg work.

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