Here is a pic that I took of my gf:

-She is very independent
-Seems like she has a 'secret life' and she doesn't let anyone see it.
-She comes across as very cold and is not too affectionate
-She needs to have her 'alone' time
-Very sceptical
-She majored in mathematics but at the same time she is very creative. (I am a photographer and she is one of the best photo editors that I had so far, she has a good eye for it)
-She does what she wants - doesn't break under pressure
-Doesn't let people get to close to her.
-Seems like she doesn't need anyone and she liks to be alone but at the same time you can depend on her.
-She has a sick sense of humor. I think she is really funny because she doesn't hold back.
-Says what she means and she gets really passionate about things that she believes in.

There is so much more but that is all I can think of for now.

Could she be INTJ or P??
