Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
The 4-letter code clearly creates confusions for new people who have an MBTI background, but once one understands the differences, it's not bad. I think people are less likely to make typos when they use it, whereas the three letter code only works when you memorize it, since it's less inherently logical (as it uses "I" to mean both introtim and intuitive and uses "E" to mean both extratim and ethical).

People always say ignore MBTT, but you really can't because the issue always needs to be explained to new people coming from MBTI. The theoretical distinction is simple: Socionics seeks to define characteristics of Xi vs. Xe and views the most outwardly visible function as the base function, whereas MBTI views the most outwardly visible function as Xe.

As to notations, I like the idea of using "TiNe" "SeFi" etc.

Of course now that there's so much interest in +/-, you can now use a 1-element code:

+Ni instead of ILI
-Ne instead of IEE
+Ni as ILI would be quite confusing, because then functions and type names would be the same (because we can still analyze in ILIs and say +Ni). Calling it NiTe would be very good in writing. But there are no good names for TALKING about types. Generally I prefer 4-letter code because it gives more information, but I understand why Wikisocion uses the 3-letter code.