Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
I call that bullishness, willful ignorance of the worst kind, unreasonableness, arrogance, senseless self-sacrifice to one's ego, an inferiority complex, or simply being a huge dumbass.

(I'm not talking about hitta here, btw. I'm just offering my view of saying "this IS the case", especially if it's questionable.)
uh, if Person A is confident in their view of something and Person B tells them they're wrong:

If Person A stands by his view (because he's confident in it) then Person B calls Person A "bullish, willfully ignorant, unreasonable, etc etc etc".

If Person A changes his view then he's no longer confident in that first view.

But if Person B insists on trying to get Person A to change his view, then it stands to reason that Person B is being just as "bullish, willfully ignorant, unreasonable, etc etc" as Person B claims A is.

(*giggles* brings back memories, don't it )