WHOA! Whoawhoawhoa, good stuff.

First off,

Quote Originally Posted by niffweed
they're a bunch of sociopaths with an uncanny hatred of the tamias canipes species of chipmunk, green paint, and wristwatches. they all also weigh exactly 3,209 pounds and have high-pitched voices which can only be described as "a mixture of nails, cheese, donuts, penicillin, and 2-methyl 4-ethyl, methly propynol."

heheheh [;

considered me a real nerd that for some error of nature happened to be also good at sports
Oddly enough, this is exactly what happened with the ENTj in question (what inspired this thread) He is a huge nerd but also an athelete, plays ice hockey. Also with what you said about smoking, he has said nearly those exact words. Just a coincidence probably, but interesting!

They're awesome- basically a SEE's wet dream They are NASTY at explaining ANYTHING in order to get u to understand things and never, ever make u feel dumb or degrade u in the process. but don't get me wrong, they do joke around a lot and poke fun but it's all good they're just trying to get their HA in haha. they know a lot of people and are usually very worldly- know a lot about everything. they tend to travel a lot because of this- .they like other cultures a lot. .they're very bouncy and energetic, always on the move and involved in a bjillion things at once... i really have no idea how they get it all done.. they're very eloquent and all the ones i have known have been interested in law. .they're have no shame, or are very foward, or lack tact.... i still have yet to decide which one- maybe a combination of all 3. they're great with words- they're eloquent and use double entendres all the time. .IMO and experiences they're also horny mo fos lol.. they're pretty awesome... the only negative thing i would have to say is that for me personally, they kind of freak me out in that they can be a little too controlling for my taste... go be a control freak in your own life, but the second u try to control any aspect of my life i'll see u later. but that's just me, and my experiences- that may not be necessarily related to type.

and o.m.f.g. heh. This sounds fucking dead-on in relation to the person I'm talking about. I bolded all the parts that hit directly.

Sounds so far like I really have met myself another ENTj. Hooray for me!

Oh, and the controlling bit...he exhibits that behavior too...I've just found a way to battle it so we stay at middle ground. And the circumstances in which we've gotten to know each other prevent him from letting himself be too controlling. It's hard to explain.

pssst...liveandletlive should pm me [;