Anyways, SEE's usually say that I'm knowledgeable, interesting, and good at explaining things. I get the impression that they like me because I offer a type of stimulation that they usually don't get. I think it has as much to do with Ni as it does Te... when I talk about my philosophies on life they can't seem to get enough of it.

There's something irresistible about SEE/LIE relations... all of the power and energy of Se quadra extroversion plus positivism. They're also both Ni quadra strategists. Just imagine what they could do together, and how much fun they'd have in the process. (Though without someone around to take care of tactics I'm not sure how much of what they plan would actually get off the ground, and I could see them being too optimistic about deals or plans.)

Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
the only negative thing i would have to say is that for me personally, they kind of freak me out in that they can be a little too controlling for my taste... go be a control freak in your own life, but the second u try to control any aspect of my life i'll see u later. but that's just me, and my experiences- that may not be necessarily related to type.
I think I know what you're talking about...

The reason I've never been in a serious relationship (or any romantic relationship, really) is because I'm too possessive of my mates, to be perfectly. SEE's are fun and bouncy and magnetic and flirty. They love going out an doing things and have a seemingly endless appetite for social interaction. I couldn't see myself being able to keep up with them long term when it comes to going out and doing stuff, such as going to parties or clubs or whatever. I do love that they drag me out to those (and other) places, but when I don't feel like it (I'm more of a homebody than any SEE I've known would want to be) they have to be able to call around and go out with friends and whatnot, and while I don't mind if my mate spends time with friends when I'm not there, I wouldn't want that to be something that happens all that frequently.

There's also the matter of their flirtiness. Things that an ILI wouldn't care about would bother me. SEE's seem to enjoy getting people to be attracted to or interested in them. It usually never goes anywhere, and they're loyal when they're in happy relationships (at least the ones I've known have been), but they're still one of the flirtiest types, and I simply cannot see myself with a flirt. (There are even introverts who are too flirty for my tastes. )

I'm pretty sure that's why I've never been close to a male SEE. I'd have a hard time not getting involved, and they seem extremely dangerous to be emotionally involved with. The closest I ever came to being involved with an SEE was a mutual crush I once had with a coworker. When he flat out asked me if I'd ever date him, I simply said, "No." He was sort of surprised and asked why, and I said, "I could never own you." He was like "wth" and walked away irritated. Of course, I was exaggerating for effect when I said "own", but it successfully got the idea across. He asked me similar questions on other occasions, and I told him that he was too much of a flirt for my tastes. He said he doesn't cheat, and I said, "I know." He said, "So why does it matter?" I think that conversation captures the essence of the reason I've never been with an SEE.

Another obstacle was that their attitudes on relationship status are different than mine. I need to know exactly what the status of a relationship is. SEE's have a casual attitude towards establishing a definition of what the relationship is. They tend to get far more involved with someone before wanting a commitment than I could handle. I need relationships to be well defined, leaving no room for questioning or doubts, before I'm willing to invest myself all that much emotionally, and I can't be left to wonder what's going on for any amount of time. I usually lose my patience after a couple of weeks or so. Indecisiveness or hesitation is seen as a sign of potential danger. If things are left undefined (or not clearly defined) for too long, I get spooked and decide that no matter how much I may be attracted to this person, and no matter how compatible we may be in many ways, we're better off just being friends because our different attitudes and perspectives on relationships would quickly drive me out of my mind. I'd feel hurt and insecure when the SEE didn't even do anything wrong. And if I could stay in spite of that, there would probably be a lot of fights. Yep, definitely better off being just friends.

Not that an SEE and LIE couldn't have an awesome relationship. I think there are differences to overcome, primarily due to rationality vs. irrationality, but I'm sure it could be done. If a SEE/LIE couple could get past that, I'll bet they'd be awesome together.