Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
Yeah but uhm, I don't really do much, and always considered people that sacrifice their lives to studies to be on the wrong path
So you don't do what I do. I don't work at all except for big assignments. I often miss class (which is required at my school). I just take tests and am good to my female teachers The male ones, I have to either intimidate and make them feel like I'm smarter than them, or if they're too confident, just make a generally favorable impression and participate a lot in their class. Every class I've been in so far I rightfully should have failed or been kicked out of for missing too many classes, and yet after three semesters I'm still in school AND have all of my financial aid (minus work study; I'm no teacher's errand boy). I could go into detail about what other specifics I've gotten away with in each class, but I think you get the point.