NTs just appear more intelligent because they focus on things that are typically viewed as the realm of "intelligent" people(abstract + logical ideas, which is why Ns are typically viewed as more intelligent than S types, and ST types as more intelligent than SFs on this forum, because that's what Socionics is mainly concerned with.) This focus causes an illusion that NTs are more intelligent that not only they believe, but others propogate as well. However, focus on an area of thought =/= a necessary superiority in it, and also causes their other intelligences to be diminished. That's the reason's there's types...the intelligences are in different areas in a room and everyone is shining their intellectual flash-light in different places, and this is what causes them to seem "brighter" than others in that area. But you can choose to shine your light in that area of the room...even though it makes you feel uncomfortable or bored or whatever(what you value ie type), and can still be capable of producing the amazing results that other people who are always shining it that area are capable of producing.