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Thread: ILE-ENTp weaknesses

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  1. #1

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    ENTp's have a tendency to mis-value thoughts and objects that occur in reality. They may either overestimate or underestimate an obstacle when achieving whatever goal.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    When is it going to click that you are Beta ST?

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    When is it going to click that you are Beta ST?
    For now, just ignore the type that I am.

    What I said was true if you think about it, because as you know the ILE has weak Fi, so they will end up not evaluating consequences very well unless they take the extra time to foresee what will happen.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  4. #4
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post
    For now, just ignore the type that I am.

    What I said was true if you think about it, because as you know the ILE has weak Fi, so they will end up not evaluating consequences very well unless they take the extra time to foresee what will happen.
    Man, you're describing Super-ID Ni right here.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  5. #5
    Blaze's Avatar
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    ILE weaknesses:

    Se-related. too much forcefulness for the situation. dragging their feet about doing something mundane that could just be gotten done and over with. running out of gas for a project mid-way.

    Fi-related. acting like an asshole. being inconsiderate. saying whatever comes to mind without thinking about how people will feel.

    these are the main ones for weaker functions.

    others include at times being naive. too much brainstorming and flitting from idea to idea.

  6. #6

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    Se-related. too much forcefulness for the situation. dragging their feet about doing something mundane that could just be gotten done and over with. running out of gas for a project mid-way.
    Totally. The first one I hadn't noticed before, but I can relate (maybe a little weak Fi mixed in there too?). The second two are typical behavior for all the ENTps I know. Also related to Se -- ENTps tend to overreact to people putting pressure on them.

    This rings of Eliot Spitzer the Gov. of NY who tried to impliment drivers licenses for illegal immigrants in ny. He's just ahead of his time and I think really a supreme alpha male. He's a total genius.
    Interesting - I hadn't heard about that. It's a cool idea, but I'm guessing it got shot down pretty quickly...
    delta nf (?) ... 4w5 (?)

  7. #7


    This is my ENTp friend. The weakness, to me, is the sheer volume of energy used when I use a lot less. It is just needless except when we are directly interacting.

    Here is an online example:


    [14:00] qLir: I was king of the mountain =/
    [14:00] qLir: as always
    [14:00] qLir: made $120 betting people I could beat them to the bottom lawl
    [14:00] qLir: I'm rich =/
    [14:00] qLir: its more fun when you bet
    [15:11] qLir: lol
    [15:11] qLir: FP is best in TDA
    [15:11] qLir: unless best hero is pugna or something
    [15:11] qLir: or VS
    [15:11] qLir: or veno...
    [15:11] qLir: most important heroes are the early owners
    [15:11] qLir: lesh/warlock best
    [15:12] qLir: since they can push, gank, and win lanes
    [15:12] qLir: zeus is ok but not as good a solo
    [15:12] qLir: and not like
    [15:12] qLir: going orange normally
    [15:12] qLir: normally the best player is the last
    [15:12] qLir: because they call out hero picks
    [15:13] qLir: to pick best heroes at start, then pick a combination of the best complementary heroes and best counter heroes depending on your initial picks and enemy picks.
    [15:13] qLir: and then team -swaps to their liking
    [15:13] qLir: like
    [15:13] qLir: you can specialize
    [15:13] qLir: if you're in a captains game where teams are picked
    [15:13] qLir: and you pick 1 carry player, 1 wards player, then 3 lane/gank/team fight players
    [15:13] qLir: or tank
    [15:13] qLir: w/e
    [15:14] qLir: or 1 solo player
    [15:14] qLir: etc
    [15:14] qLir: but likely
    [15:14] qLir: they won't be picking the heroes they'll be playing
    [15:14] qLir: of course there are exceptions
    [15:15] qLir: like if you have me you pick spec over certain other carries that might be more situational (generally spec is the best all around carry anyway tho...)
    [15:16] qLir: and if you have yoshi you take weaver over some possible better carries if your team doesn't have a only good for wards hero like pugna/lich/veno/VS
    [15:16] qLir: or a solo
    [15:16] qLir: slash a solo that doesn't lane well
    [15:17] qLir: or if you have vigoss you basically build around a late razor pick
    [15:17] qLir: ofc that can be countered by the other team taking the preferred solo
    [15:18] qLir: but generally that doesn't work because it's taking a solo way early then and vigoss playing a different solo/carry (unless none are available) will beat someone not as good as him at razor playing a hero worse than the best avialable
    [15:18] qLir: saying that cuz I just played lock
    [15:18] qLir: and it was so easy
    [15:18] qLir: soloing some CAL-O SF lol
    [15:18] qLir: my ally gave up FB
    [15:19] qLir: but I was lvl 8 when he was 5
    [15:19] qLir: and got a bunch of kills on him
    [15:19] qLir: plus easy offlane ganks when ult was up and he was already healing
    [15:19] qLir: anyway
    [15:19] qLir: time to go do my last minute christmas shopping lol
    [16:23] qLir: gay
    [16:29] Jade: hi
    [16:29] Jade: just got off work...had to go into today
    [17:18] qLir: lol
    [17:18] qLir: nice
    [17:18] qLir: I went skiing
    [17:19] qLir: that's almost like work
    [17:19] Jade: ah?
    [17:19] qLir: except the opposite
    [17:19] Jade: lol fucker
    [17:19] qLir: ah? btw
    [17:19] qLir: ?
    [17:19] qLir: you didn't get my spam?
    [17:20] qLir: want to play?
    [17:20] qLir: just played a weird ass game
    [17:20] qLir: team picked 4 solos lol
    [17:20] qLir: warlock, leshrac (me), ench, and...
    [17:20] qLir: I can't even remember the last useless hero
    [17:20] Jade: meh maybe one then I gotta go to Craigs for xmas
    [17:21] qLir:'s christmas eve
    [17:21] Jade: let me get some food rq, k?
    [17:21] qLir: wtf
    [17:21] Jade: ya but
    [17:21] Jade: family tomorrow
    [17:21] Jade: his family tonight
    [17:21] Jade: I have to play son for two families
    [17:22] qLir: oh destroyer
    [17:22] qLir: I laned with him and I didn't even remember him


    (it goes on...) I think this relates to what I feel when Im around my other ENTp friend irl. He is a good drinking buddy, but I can never make the proper connection with him. He always feels like he could be around anyone, and there is no sense of friendship loyalty. My close INTj buddy is similar, but Im in his distinct core of "near-family" that there is loyalty. But if I was a casual friend, I doubt that would be the case at all.

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