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Thread: Semantic Content of the Symbols utilized in Socionics by Augusta

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    Default Semantic Content of the Symbols utilized in Socionics by Augusta

    Semantic Content of the Symbols utilized in Socionics
    A. Augustinavichyute
    Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, 1998.
    First publication:
    To a. smyslovoye's Augustinavichyute the content of the symbols, utilized in socionics// "16", 1990, в„– 3, s. 5 - 10

    the black triangle

    Black Intuition

    Content of object. Its potential energy and internal content; internal possibilities. Program or purpose which is built into an object; its internal structure; any specific capabilities of man. That which Karl Marx called work force, i.e., the sum of the physical and mental abilities of man.

    Feeling of presence- absence of the concealed internal abilities, possibilities, that gives the ability to see constancy or nedolgovremennost'[?] of some object or phenomenon.

    the black circle

    Black Sensing

    Form of object. Kinetic energy of object, its readiness to use its energy. Its external qualities - color, outline, smoothness or the surface roughness; external readiness; the will of man: their ability and readiness to employ it with respect to themselves and others.

    Feeling, readiness or the lack of preparation of object for the manifestation of will, force; a feeling of the esthetic value -ne3steticnosti of object.

    the black square

    Black Logic

    External motions. Event, fact, act, place change in the space. External manifestation of a process; its form. Displacement of objects in space and any other forms of the external motion of objects.

    Feeling of consistency- alogia of act, a feeling of the possibility- impossibility to resist proceeding[?}.

    the black angle

    Black Ethics

    Internal processes. Internal, concealed before the eyes processes, which frequently emote themselves by the outgoing of sounds or by changes in the object's appearance. (for example, the reddening of face). In humans these range from emotional experiences to digestion. Emotional states: mood; vozbuzhdennost'[?]; depression.

    Feeling of ethicalness or unethicalness of internal impulses, a feeling of the possibility or impossibility of changing what is happening in oneself or another object.

    the white triangle

    White Intuition

    Time. Subjective time of object and objective calendar time. Duration of functioning or existence of object, determined by the presence of potential energy and by its use per unit time. External situation of object among other objects, i.e., its situation in time. Time intervals between events; the duration of separate events; the sequence of events and processes, their rhythm in the time, rapidity, sluggishness. All this relates to the external and to the internal processes.

    Feeling of opportuneness/inopportuneness; hurry or lack of hurriedness, etc.; a feeling of the relativity of proceeding in time.

    the white circle

    White Sensing

    Health. Internal situation of object among other objects; their action on its homeostatic processes, which are reflected in its health. It might be called the "sounding" of space inside the object. Health is defined both by external and internal processes.

    Feeling of pleasantness/unpleasantness; physical and aesthetical satisfactoriness and dissatisfaction.

    the white square

    White Logic

    Distance in space, space. Distance between objects, their place in space or among other objects, hierarchy. System, as the sum of the established or steady distances; the system of objective regular interrelations in nature and society. Objective needs of man, i.e., the necessity for systems of relation with different objects, beginning with food. All distances - result of external displacements.

    Feeling of consistency- alogia, rationality- unreasonableness.

    the white angle

    White Ethics

    Attractive force of objects, attraction. This can be named "subjective distances" between objects. This is, for example, love vs hatred for someone. That loved also at a great distance is close, hateful - and on the small is distant.[?]

    Feeling of ethicality-unethicality of relations; kindness of a man or his poor qualities; a feeling of desire- unwillingness.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 12-23-2007 at 11:30 PM. Reason: further improvements

  2. #2
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    The translation "health" for Si is misleading. A more accurate translation of the word from Russian would be "how someone feels".
    It is easier for the eye of a camel to pass through a rich man than for a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven.

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    Actually "homeostasis" may be even more descriptive. (although perhaps not her original words, this appears to be what she was referring to: health is always contingent on the self-organization of the body away from its extremes.)

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    tcaudilllg wrote, "Actually "homeostasis" may be even more descriptive."

    yes, I agree. It seems to correlate better with both +Si and -Si...I think -Si is more about "health", i.e. minimization of negative sensations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    tcaudilllg wrote, "Actually "homeostasis" may be even more descriptive."

    yes, I agree. It seems to correlate better with both +Si and -Si...I think -Si is more about "health", i.e. minimization of negative sensations.
    Actually, SLIs are more commonly associated with the "health" aspect and minimalism, while SEIs are more often hedonists and epicureans.


    Maybe the improved text could be posted at Wikisocion with a link to the original?

    Program or purpose which is built into an object
    any specific capabilities

    Feeling of ethicalness or unethicalness of internal impulses, a feeling of the possibility or impossibility of changing what is happening in oneself or another object.

    hurry or lack of hurriedness; a feeling of the relativity of events happening in time

    _How someone feels_ (implied are physiological rather than emotional sensations, and how someone feels can change minute to minute depending on the situation and what's going on inside)
    Sense of pleasantness or unpleasantness

    (The first phrase marked I cannot understand without original)
    Feeling of ethicalness or unethicalness of relationships
    It is easier for the eye of a camel to pass through a rich man than for a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven.

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    Yeah, that is a good idea. It would definitely be safer at Wikisocion, too.... (for that matter, most of the fully translated articles need a backup somewhere...)

    The original text is here:

    Dmitri never got around to finishing all of it. Can you get access to the original article?

    I have made some changes based on your recommendations. Some recommendations were unclear, however:


    Also some that I forgot to mention before:

    alogia: (logic?)
    from Se: a feeling of the esthetic value -ne3steticnosti(?) of object.

    a feeling of the relativity of events happening in time (even if this is a good translation, matter of the relativity of events are far from clear to anyone but physicists. Proceeding or something like it is probably easier to correlate to what she meant: the private senses of time personal to each object. (like for example, your own natural sense of timeliness in your life.)
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 12-23-2007 at 11:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick View Post
    The translation "health" for Si is misleading. A more accurate translation of the word from Russian would be "how someone feels".
    Yes, but does that make sense given the context? "how someone feels" can be correlated to health as a matter of convention, because the two are believed co-dependent. On the other hand if that's what Augusta specifically intended to express, that Si = how someone feels, then there remains the problem that it is non-sensical. (or is it?)

    If you will assist me, then that is appreciated. Several words and phrases in the text are unclear. I've marked these with "[?]". Could you explain what these mean in the Russian, or what they are attempting to convey?

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