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Thread: What type is my wife?

  1. #1

    Default What type is my wife?

    My wife doesn't want to take the personality test. She seems to dislike online forms and "filling stuff out". I am too new to the game to be able to pinpoint her by her actions alone. At some point I may persuade her, although I dont see the problem. I think she thinks its an IQ test of some kind and probably feels inadequate although I think she is extremely bright.

    I am going to try to give some examples of her behavior. If its not enough, please ask me something that more clearly defines it.

    I decided it would be too much to simply paste in a test, although I am aware i could take on on her behalf. I thought this would be more fun and I enjoy your unique responses.

    I apologize if I go off on irrelevant tangents or get mushy. I'm trying my best to show positives and negatives. The positive is A the negative is B. Here goes:


    1A. Always the life of the party. To the degree that she keeps going and going and going and I wonder where the batteries came from. She certainly can be pooped after normal day at work and at times is content to sit and watch tv. But once she's around other people its as if someone stuck a plug up her butt. So much enthusiasm. She'll even run around the house screaming "YAAAAAAAY" when her friend shows up. I think this is adorable. Sounds like an E so far... ok, got that down.

    1B. But sometimes doesn't know when to stop.


    2A. Very concerned about people, especially babies. She grew up in a house that doubled as a daycare center. She is a nanny. She wants babies.. bad. Loves animals. Takes great care of kids but is not goopy-sweet about it. Its almost as if she was born for it. She'll be a great mother. Can't handle violence and that includes sexual related things. Not dancing/posing no-clothes-on-mtv-type-girls.. but more like.. pornography or risque stuff. She will walk away or close her eyes. Definitely cries (a good wet one) on every episode of Extreme Home Makeover, without fail.

    2B. But was on the wrestling team in high school and rode a motorcyle when I met her. This is not a negative per se, but it confuses me. Is she a dainty flower? or is she a tough guy? She seems exhibit this dual nature and it sometimes depends on who she hangs out with.


    3A. Totally engages me in conversation. And sometimes I go over her head, but she hangs on and tries very hard to get me. I've been known to be too intense and think way to much. I get labeled this every day. But she manages to engage me at every level and we have great conversations. If she doesnt understand, she'll ask.

    3B. But refuses to take the personality test. (this is representative of that kind of behavior)


    4A. Sometimes refuses to ask for or receive help with anything. Unless it is with the computer, or things that she considers out of her sphere.

    4B. Sometimes refuses to ask for or receive help with anything.


    5A. Is extremely intuitive about people. She knows people very well, smells bullshit a mile away. To this day I cannot fool her. Even just the variation in heat off my body will give away - to her - my intentions. There are times we say nothing to each other and it is understood clearly.

    5B. Let's this get in the way of new friendships too much. In the sense of "give them a chance".


    6A. Very calm cool and collected in facing certain hardships. Doesnt sweat the little things.

    6B. Except when it comes to money. Fuhhgetatboutit.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What type is my wife?


    I wrote that post above, but PHPBB keeps logging me out! There must be a bug somewhere. Its not timing out either.

  3. #3


    I highly doubt that she is an INTj. She sounds much too enthusiatic and emotional. INTjs seems a little more calm, collected, reserved. I was actually thinking EXFx.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by person
    I highly doubt that she is an INTj. She sounds much too enthusiatic and emotional. INTjs seems a little more calm, collected, reserved. I was actually thinking EXFx.
    Oh, hi. I was just clarifiying my name. I can see how it appears to be a type guess.

    My name is INTJ so I can see where the confusion was.


  5. #5
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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  6. #6

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    Edited for gayness.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
    Based off the fact that you are INTj, I think that your wife should be considered ESFj until proven otherwise...

    Oh, and many of the ENFj and ESFj would probably consider themselves to be ENFp, due to the fact that isn't really a judging "dominant" function.
    We seem to play off each other very well and if you told me today what her personality type would be, I would say you were crazy that we'd ever mesh.

    We are socially complete and utter opposites. I'm a hermit and shes a nuclear bomb. I endeavor to understand, explore and learn new things, study history and am very mind-oriented. She really doesn't share this. (And at times I wish she would but its ok. Not many people I meet off the street really do. This is what friends are for.)

    But I think we meet at the logic level and thats where it gels. Maybe she doesn't enjoy spending hours to try to "comprehend the size of the universe" but shes very logical.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    i'm going to say ENFJ OR ENFP, but probably ENFJ.

    E--Always the life of the party. To the degree that she keeps going and going and going and I wonder where the batteries came from.

    N--Is extremely intuitive about people. She knows people very well, smells bullshit a mile away.

    Very concerned about people, especially babies. She grew up in a house that doubled as a daycare center.

    Well from the facts i have to go on here she sounds a whole lot like my ENFJ mom...

    they'll hang in there until the very end, they're spunky--But she manages to engage me at every level and we have great conversations. If she doesnt understand, she'll ask.

    very independent, hardworking--
    Sometimes refuses to ask for or receive help with anything.

    good money managers--Very calm cool and collected in facing certain hardships. Doesnt sweat the little things.

    6B. Except when it comes to money. Fuhhgetatboutit.

    ....a very tender, concerned, unselfish nature about them...but definately strong!

    what i have listed in red are resembles traits of my ENFJ mom...what do u think?

    i know it is very little to base a type on and a lot of assumption.....but twas a thought :wink:

    Thank you for the analysis! I believe that if things are strikingly similar between people its safe to categorize, generally.

  9. #9
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    Actually, everything you say about her applies to me. That's why I said ENFp.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Actually, everything you say about her applies to me. That's why I said ENFp.
    Thanks! And I love your tagline. It is very very funny. (probably because its so true)

  11. #11

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    I'm gonna have to go with ExFx as well. Sounds more N than S, and if she is good and responsible with money, then she's more J than P.

    ENFx, I guess.

    The refusal to take the personality type test thing is a strong ESFp trait. heh. But the whole not liking sexual related things eliminates this option.

    Life of the party, and not knowing when to stop makes me think ENFp.

    Yea, I'm sticking with ENFx, and then tacking on ESFj.



  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by MySaviour
    I'm gonna have to go with ExFx as well. Sounds more N than S, and if she is good and responsible with money, then she's more J than P.

    ENFx, I guess.

    The refusal to take the personality type test thing is a strong ESFp trait. heh. But the whole not liking sexual related things eliminates this option.

    Life of the party, and not knowing when to stop makes me think ENFp.

    Yea, I'm sticking with ENFx, and then tacking on ESFj.



    Fwiw, you go it, she is ESFJ ("the guardian"). My polar opposite.

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