I guess you’re all thinking “Oh no here’s Five doubting his type again” ....... and you'd be right to say that

Basically, I’m doubting my type, for several good reasons - this isn't me just going through a mood. This is a definite feeling that, although the ISTj description fits me to a certain extent, I may not actually be an ISTj. Here's why:

Firstly, from what I can gather from posts on the forums, ISTjs are a dominating presence, or have the ability to dominate when required. I’m not a dominator, in general. I can be stubborn and I can be tenacious, but that doesn't make me a dominator. My general philosophy in conversations is to be a quiet, nice guy who will put in the occasional laugh or two – I don’t try to impress myself on others and direct them. I sometimes find it hard to interact – this may be because I’m still a teenager, and many teens don’t listen to each other. But, either way, I am not a dominating, driving force in a discussion. Also, I am (or am getting to be) quite laid back, or at least I come across as being quite calm about things.

I’m also affable, open-minded and reflective, and will probably become the philosophical type in later life (I think that I’ll develop a slightly bemused view on life, because life is so full of idiosyncrasies and I've got a dry sense of humour). I’m also confident in my beliefs (I don’t constantly wonder whether they are ‘right’), and can impress my ideas on many different people because I will listen to their points of view, and argue logically and tenaciously. This isn’t characteristic of an ISTj, so I’m wondering whether my long personality description that I posted in the first ‘Can you help’ post was wrong – after all, I’m maturing rapidly and changing over time.

Secondly, I found this short piece - “If you are S you will prefer order and harmony. You will revel in a fine atmosphere. You will disdain slovenliness and carelessness. If you are N you will be welcoming and receptive to the unusual and varied. You will appreciate different perspectives and loath close-mindedness.” I identify with all of the S-related behaviours. Regarding the N behaviours, I like to keep an open mind and I like others to be open-minded but, generally, I think this passage indicates me to be an xSxx, but it means that my so-called ‘rational’ behaviour may just be a result of being a Sensor and NOT necessarily of being a J.

Thirdly, I have changed since we typed me as an ISTj. I’m also wondering whether I’m using, or have used, a weaker function as my primary function (but that might just be speculation). I’ve also noticed that, when I look at fictional ISTjs like Mace Windu, Atticus Finch and Morpheus, I don’t behave like them. Those three are, for example, almost always serious, and they carry an aura of strength or power. With me, I’m different – I like a little more humour in my life, and my strength is inside. Actually, I think that I project an aura of gentleness and being a nice guy, but have strength inside.

I understand that, if I'm actually an ISTj, this could just be my hidden agenda manifesting. Even so, I think that my line of reasoning is rational and logical, so what do you think about my points?

Looking forward to your replies,
