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Thread: Milk your Ni for me

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    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    Default Milk your Ni for me

    My dual-seeking function needs some stimulation. Post random stuff to feed it- I'll love you forever and ever! I'll feed your if you guys want to too!
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  2. #2



    I'm trying to finish a final exam here.

    Now please rape me with your .

  3. #3
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    A simple example of a relationship in econometrics from the field of labor economics is

    ln(wage) = β0 + β1(Years of education) + ε.
    Economic theory says that the natural logarithm of a person's wage is a linear function of the number of years of education that person has acquired. The parameter β1 measures the increase in the natural log of the wage attributable to one more year of education. It should be noted that by using the natural log we have moved away from a simple linear regression model and are now using a non linear model, in this case, a semi-log y model. The term ε is a random variable representing all other factors that may have direct influence on wage. The econometric goal is to estimate the parameters, β0 and β1 under specific assumptions about the random variable ε. For example, if ε and Years of Education are uncorrelated, then the equation can be estimated with ordinary least squares.

    If the researcher could randomly assign people to different levels of education, the data set thus generated would allow the econometrician to estimate the effect of changes in years of education on wages. In reality, those experiments cannot be conducted. Instead, the econometrician observes the years of education of and the wages paid to people who differ along many dimensions. Given this kind of data, the estimated coefficient on Years of Education in the equation above reflects both the effect of education on wages and the effect of other variables on wages, if those other variables were correlated with education. For example, people with more innate ability may have higher wages and higher levels of education. Unless the econometrician controls for innate ability in the above equation, the effect of innate ability on wages may be falsely attributed to the effect of education on wages.

    The most obvious way to control for innate ability is to include a measure of ability in the equation above. Exclusion of innate ability, together with the assumption that ε is uncorrelated with education produces a misspecified model. A second technique for dealing with omitted variables is instrumental variables estimation.
    that's cool
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kabure

    I'm trying to finish a final exam here.

    Now please rape me with your .
    haha how does one rape someone with their over posts and forums and the like? hmmm... story perhaps? i had a bad day last week and went shopping and spent 400 bucks on dresses, boots, and jewelery and bags. It was even more because it was snowing/sleeting outside and I was on Newbury street (which are a bunch of outdoor shops obvi) rather than in a mall or something. I also hadn't slept in 2 days but I HAD to go shopping cuz i was in a bad mood. I slipped and fell all over the street i think between 4 and 5 times. But I HAD to do it!

    Here's some more things when it comes to fashion that I like/want:


    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13657663&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=122&navAction=poppush&c olor=11[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13645270&parentid=W_APP_JACKETS&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=111&navAction=poppush&c olor=00[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13644844&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=128&navAction=poppush&c olor=01[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 1&masterId=cat13030771&index=5&cmCat=cat000000cat0 00141cat13030734cat13030771cat14080741[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] colorid=97[/web:10da9b05a5]

    feel free to send me any of the above
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive View Post
    haha how does one rape someone with their over posts and forums and the like? hmmm... story perhaps? i had a bad day last week and went shopping and spent 400 bucks on dresses, boots, and jewelery and bags. It was even more because it was snowing/sleeting outside and I was on Newbury street (which are a bunch of outdoor shops obvi) rather than in a mall or something. I also hadn't slept in 2 days but I HAD to go shopping cuz i was in a bad mood. I slipped and fell all over the street i think between 4 and 5 times. But I HAD to do it!

    Here's some more things when it comes to fashion that I like/want:


    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13657663&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=122&navAction=poppush&c olor=11[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13645270&parentid=W_APP_JACKETS&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=111&navAction=poppush&c olor=00[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 0&id=13644844&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortPropertie s=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=128&navAction=poppush&c olor=01[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] 1&masterId=cat13030771&index=5&cmCat=cat000000cat0 00141cat13030734cat13030771cat14080741[/web:10da9b05a5]

    [web:10da9b05a5] colorid=97[/web:10da9b05a5]

    feel free to send me any of the above

    i want these: ):

    Sam Edelman Mariella Heels at Tobi
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  6. #6
    misutii's Avatar
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    I'm too lazy to provide original material, but here's a decent Ni-excerpt (from Tropic of Cancer, probably written by an ILI-Ni)

    --"A glance at the dark, unstitched wound and a deep fissure in my brain opens up: all the images and memories that had been laboriously or absent-mindedly assorted, labeled, documented, filed, sealed and stamped break forth pell-mell like ants pouring out of a crack in the sidewalk; the world ceases to revolve, time stops, the very nexus of my dreams is broken and dissolved and my guts spill out in a grand schizophrenic rush, an evacuation that leaves me face to face with the Absolute. I see again the great sprawling mothers of Picasso, their breasts covered with spiders, their legend hidden deep in the labyrinth. And Molly Bloom lying on a dirty mattress for eternity. On the toilet door red chalk cocks and the madonna uttering the diapason of woe. I hear a wild, hysterical laugh, a room full of lockjaw, and the body that was black glows like phosphorus. Wild, wild, utterly uncontrollable laughter, and that crack laughing at me too, laughing through the mossy whiskers, a laugh that creases the bright, polished surface of the billiard ball. Great whore and mother of man with gin in her veins. Mother of all harlots, spider rolling us in your logarithmic grave, insatiable one, fiend whose laughter rives me! I look down into that sunken crater, world lost and without traces, and I hear the bells chiming, two nuns at the Palace Stanislas and the smell of rancid butter under their dresses, manifesto never printed because it was raining, war fought to further the cause of plastic surgery, the Prince of Wales flying around the world decorating the graves of unknown heroes. Every bat flying out of the belfry a lost cause, every whoopla a groan over the radio from the private trenches of the damned. Out of that dark unstitched wound, that sink of abominations, that cradle of black-thronged cities where the music of ideas is drowned in cold fat, out of strangled Utopias is born a clown, a being divided between beauty and ugliness, between light and chaos, a clown who when he looks down and sidelong is Satan himself and when he looks upward sees a buttered angel, a snail with wings."

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii View Post
    I'm too lazy to provide original material, but here's a decent Ni-excerpt (from Tropic of Cancer, probably written by an ILI-Ni)

    --"A glance at the dark, unstitched wound and a deep fissure in my brain opens up: all the images and memories that had been laboriously or absent-mindedly assorted, labeled, documented, filed, sealed and stamped break forth pell-mell like ants pouring out of a crack in the sidewalk; the world ceases to revolve, time stops, the very nexus of my dreams is broken and dissolved and my guts spill out in a grand schizophrenic rush, an evacuation that leaves me face to face with the Absolute. I see again the great sprawling mothers of Picasso, their breasts covered with spiders, their legend hidden deep in the labyrinth. And Molly Bloom lying on a dirty mattress for eternity. On the toilet door red chalk cocks and the madonna uttering the diapason of woe. I hear a wild, hysterical laugh, a room full of lockjaw, and the body that was black glows like phosphorus. Wild, wild, utterly uncontrollable laughter, and that crack laughing at me too, laughing through the mossy whiskers, a laugh that creases the bright, polished surface of the billiard ball. Great whore and mother of man with gin in her veins. Mother of all harlots, spider rolling us in your logarithmic grave, insatiable one, fiend whose laughter rives me! I look down into that sunken crater, world lost and without traces, and I hear the bells chiming, two nuns at the Palace Stanislas and the smell of rancid butter under their dresses, manifesto never printed because it was raining, war fought to further the cause of plastic surgery, the Prince of Wales flying around the world decorating the graves of unknown heroes. Every bat flying out of the belfry a lost cause, every whoopla a groan over the radio from the private trenches of the damned. Out of that dark unstitched wound, that sink of abominations, that cradle of black-thronged cities where the music of ideas is drowned in cold fat, out of strangled Utopias is born a clown, a being divided between beauty and ugliness, between light and chaos, a clown who when he looks down and sidelong is Satan himself and when he looks upward sees a buttered angel, a snail with wings."
    tropic of cancer is one of the most boring books i have ever read. the strangest thing, to me anyhow, is that it was apparently thought to be so pornographic and so edgy and bla bla bla *YAWN*. if anything they just should have put a disclaimer on it. don't operate heavy machinery or drive after reading this book.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    tropic of cancer is one of the most boring books i have ever read. the strangest thing, to me anyhow, is that it was apparently thought to be so pornographic and so edgy and bla bla bla *YAWN*. if anything they just should have put a disclaimer on it. don't operate heavy machinery or drive after reading this book.
    well yes it's mostly just redundant after the first 30 or so pages but if you just informally speed-read and skip to the rants (near the end of the book) it has its moments

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    Then you must get them! And they're even on sale....

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Then you must get them! And they're even on sale....
    i know!

    i'm thinking about this color instead though.

    Sam Edelman Mariella Heels at Tobi
    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i know!

    i'm thinking about this color instead though.

    Sam Edelman Mariella Heels at Tobi
    Those are cool too...

    ... why not get them both? The lighter ones for spring/summer, and the darker ones for spring/summer/fall before it gets cold... or for whenever, but those light/dark shoe rules would help justify getting both, hah. AND, w the sale price, even getting two pairs would be less expensive than just one at regular

    I'm jealous - I LOVE super-high heels but would be like 6'5 in those :/ But if you get those shoes, I can live vicariously through you ;p

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    I don't get enough love from you to send you the above.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    econ not Ni enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    feel free to send me any of the above
    that's what a high β1 variable is for.
    haha true...
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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard
    I don't get enough love from you to send you the above.
    can't say i blame u.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  15. #15


    Come on, now, this is all boring as hell, and you know it.

    Since when are Ni and Se about economics and shopping?

    And we can't "milk" our Ni ourselves; that's what Se does.

    But frankly, my dear, I think you are too old for me.

  16. #16
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    Wait a minute : 2+2 = 4 ? That's pretty retarded. In an other system 2+2 would equal 5. This is not logical, but this is true. I can't explain that. I really feel that 2+2=5 today. And tomorrow it would equal 78.

    You're a stupid retarded weak girl, so I want you to give me your stupid so I'll feel more happy. I like to suffer but I don't know why. Women are weak, but I like to feel weaker than them.

    I love you, and to prove that I'll make you suffer. You need to suffer. That's the key for the door of happiness. You won't feel happy, but you will actually be happy.

    [spoil:911a347f82]I think that was [/spoil:911a347f82]

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    ...I really don't know what the fuck that was.

  18. #18
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    imf i think the model with dummy variables for level of studies completed and age on the x-axis is superior
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kabure
    Come on, now, this is all boring as hell, and you know it.

    Since when are Ni and Se about economics and shopping?

    And we can't "milk" our Ni ourselves; that's what Se does.

    But frankly, my dear, I think you are too old for me.
    haha i no, im bored at work and i feel under-stimulated. you can milk your Ni yourselves... u do use it for urself don't you? why do u think i'm too old?
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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Wait a minute : 2+2 = 4 ? That's pretty retarded. In an other system 2+2 would equal 5. This is not logical, but this is true. I can't explain that. I really feel that 2+2=5 today. And tomorrow it would equal 78.

    You're a stupid retarded weak girl, so I want you to give me your stupid so I'll feel more happy. I like to suffer but I don't know why. Women are weak, but I like to feel weaker than them.

    I love you, and to prove that I'll make you suffer. You need to suffer. That's the key for the door of happiness. You won't feel happy, but you will actually be happy.

    [spoil:b73f2ad1af]I think that was [/spoil:b73f2ad1af]
    that was unnecessary.
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    I'm going to be done with school in approximately 7.5 hours, two weeks from now I'm going to visit my girlfriend for 10 days, then I start school a week later.
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

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    the hell does that have to do with milking benwah balls???

  23. #23
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    that's not really variable
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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Wait a minute : 2+2 = 4 ? That's pretty retarded. In an other system 2+2 would equal 5. This is not logical, but this is true. I can't explain that. I really feel that 2+2=5 today. And tomorrow it would equal 78.

    You're a stupid retarded weak girl, so I want you to give me your stupid Extraverted Sensing so I'll feel more happy. I like to suffer but I don't know why. Women are weak, but I like to feel weaker than them.

    I love you, and to prove that I'll make you suffer. You need to suffer. That's the key for the door of happiness. You won't feel happy, but you will actually be happy.
    wow, wtf. you'd get your ass beat if you said something like that to a girl and I was there.

  25. #25
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    yeah, she'd stick her heel in his eye and then you'd laugh

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    i am offended by your epithelial eccentricity. go to hell.

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    The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation.
    I was reading an article in last week's newsweek magazine about genome patters, and it notioned that cancer, and other incurable diseases, are simply nature's way of restoring balance, that humans have been programmed to gradually die out.

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    FWIW i like the bag and both pairs of boots....i have a bag kinda like that 'cept it has an animal print lining and it's a liz....and boots kinda like both 'cept the scrunchy ones are taller on the leg but i know whatcha mean about retail therapy....LOL...ya think this is Se or EP???


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    The Time We Became Real

    Last night a spiral cloud gulped down the town,
    sending black rain to replace our lives.
    Light from wet pavement flickers in eyes
    resembling multi-colored marbles.
    Must be the street lamp passing on into sleep.
    Rapid Eye Movement, ghetto-style.

    Shut the television off.
    I want to see again.
    Remember when we played
    on the property line?
    Baby snakes sneaked through cracks,
    pointing triangle heads and tongues
    between foundational rocks.
    But this was not the end of an era.

    Playtime ended with our imaginary dad.
    He had skill. He made walls beautiful.
    I stood staring at his upper thigh,
    my arm heavy with a rock
    laced like fabric of queen ant
    and dead moss.

    It's time to grieve the loss
    of playing with reptiles,
    hierarchical insects.
    Walls inside us grew tall,
    shutting down factories,
    our waterproof, airtight lids
    like lashes spellbound by
    pink eyes, sleep, and sun.
    Stomachs pumped out sadness,
    waiting for salt to show them
    they had done their job.
    But salt no longer cleansed
    or constituted tears.

    Concentrate on the urgent messages
    running across the bottom of your screen.
    Beep, beep, beep, followed by jazz licks.
    This is the way it should be
    (Live from New York).
    I am the present that teaches you how to
    touch, feed, and rock
    but not feel
    (It's Saturday night).

    Stay in character,
    careful to not depart
    from your comedic act.
    Who was the man who said,
    "The past isn't dead?"
    I've passed the initial death of memory,
    the one that concurred with tiny bugs
    falling like hail to rocks that would not give.
    Perhaps it's time we became real --
    you a symbol of truth,
    me a talking doll.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

    Jerry, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95

    i don't know Malthus's type but Wiener and Schopenhauer are probably INTp
    I've always liked Norbert Wiener very much. ILI seems quite plausible for him. Schopenahuer, on the other hand, seems a little more INFp to me.
    Classical socionics: (), ILI-Ni
    Dual-type theory: INTp-ENTp

    5w6 sp/sx

  31. #31


    Your topics sound kinky.

    = Lizard?
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
    FWIW i like the bag and both pairs of boots....i have a bag kinda like that 'cept it has an animal print lining and it's a liz....and boots kinda like both 'cept the scrunchy ones are taller on the leg but i know whatcha mean about retail therapy....LOL...ya think this is Se or EP???
    haha i mean i guess maybe the particular "trendyness" and ridiculous prices are , but our similar tests can be attributed to EP i guess. it would be interested to give us both the same accessories and see how we dress ourselves differently with them.
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    Default (Got Se)

    Ahh, so your dual seeking function needs stimulation? I think I know that feeling.

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    I'm beginning to wonder if I really am ILI . . . again. How many times am I going to have to re-check it? I always end up ILI anyway.

    Tomatoes have menacing smiles. Bananas make excellent combat boomerangs. I feel stupid writing this crap, screw it.
    And this, too, shall pass away.


  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
    FWIW i like the bag and both pairs of boots....i have a bag kinda like that 'cept it has an animal print lining and it's a liz....and boots kinda like both 'cept the scrunchy ones are taller on the leg but i know whatcha mean about retail therapy....LOL...ya think this is Se or EP???
    haha i mean i guess maybe the particular "trendyness" and ridiculous prices are , but our similar tests can be attributed to EP i guess. it would be interested to give us both the same accessories and see how we dress ourselves differently with them.
    snap take a look at these carlos santanas.....

    and the matching bag....


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  36. #36
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    I refuse to comply with the thread topic. Most likely because I lack in Ni and am using Ne or something, hah. No, actually I changed my mind. I predict that liveandletlive will soon run out of steam and start posting considerably less. Eventually disappearing almost completely (only some random posts every now and then). Then I predict that the end of the world is closer than ever before.

    In addition I want to share that I have become very close with an INTp at work. He is just awesome. I don't know what that means type wise as I am not likely to be ESFp or anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    No, actually I changed my mind. I predict that liveandletlive will soon run out of steam and start posting considerably less. Eventually disappearing almost completely (only some random posts every now and then). Then I predict that the end of the world is closer than ever before.
    both of these are probably good predictions.

  38. #38
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    ask the magic fingers

    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    niffweed i need some really practical Ni here: when will i find my cell phone? i want to order chinese. (i'd ask the fortune cookie, but that'd be out of sequence.)

  40. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
    Cool hat
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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