Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
I always thought Te-ISTp for him! He seems very Fe-PoLR.
Like you, I am quite certain that he is Delta ST. Moreover, his songs (in which nearly all are written and composed by him) seem rather Fi-driven as well. I am inclined to think ESTj rather than ISTp as he seems more energetic, restless and fidgety as compared to other ISTps I have known. Unlike most introverts in general, he seems to be quick in voicing out his thoughts without really taking the time to think it through and have the tendency to overcommit himself due to his quick words. His style of trying to entice the contestants to join his team seems quite standardized, repetitive and predictable as well (i.e. talking about inviting them for his 32 concerts) as compared to his co-judge Harlem Yu, who is of an EP temperament.