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Shahrukh Khan, Bollywood star

CNN Interview

Doing good is the only religion.
Don't be negative. It shows on your face.
I am like a Rolls Royce which can run without an engine, just on reputation.
I am not confident unless I am playing someone else.
I am very shy. If I am flying British Airways and the airhostess asks me two questions, and I don't understand her accent - I will go hungry for the entire flight.
I don't sit around complaining about the lack of good roles. I will play Raj 85 times and still make him different.
I think if you take sexuality very seriously it becomes very oily.
If you get bored with the person you married for love, there's something wrong with you - not with that person.
Often I don't say hello to people for fear that they may not remember me.
You never win the silver. You only lose the gold.

Edison Chen, entrepreneur-singer

Interview - values Fi and Se