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Thread: Type most likely to not define their relationship status

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    implied's Avatar
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    Default Type most likely to not define their relationship status

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    implied is back! :wink:

    i agree to an extent. but sometimes its good to know you can trust not to catch some disease from the person you are with or that that person isn't going to get pregnant w/someone elses kid and then stick you with the responsibility for whatever reason.

    gosh, implied, you are so beautiful!

  3. #3
    Expat's Avatar
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    Default Re: type most likely to...

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    think that marriage and "we are boyfriend and girlfriend now," type official declarations screw up everything/mean nothing/cause more harm than good.

    p types.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #4
    Olga's Avatar
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    It is interesting when i learned a bit about astrology it was indicated that due to some planets configuration some people will be not inclined to marry, like in that film with HUGh Grant.

    While the rules are created for majority the rules change and it is ok not marry if the people are ok about it. It is thoug a buitiful tradition and here in material world we feel more secure if we can feel and touch - the certificate of marriage even though we know it is not a garantee for the future - nobody knows the future. I know for sure that in spitritual world people do not have marriages - it does not mean that they do not really love each other - love is forever, even if you change the partners you still be loving them, how you can live with the person otherwise?
    School of Associative socionics:

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    the certificate of marriage even though we know it is not a garantee for the future - nobody knows the future.
    This is SO ISFJ

    It IS a garantee for the future. Otherwise, what?

    Back on topic; P first letter in importance, N second, F third, and probably there's not much difference wheter you are E or I.

  6. #6
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    It IS a garantee for the future. Otherwise, what?
    it's a piece of paper (and compared with what actually binds and keeps people together, completely meaningless.)
    No. It is a contract, which is represented in our reality by a piece of paper.

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    I usually say that there is something to be said for taking the action of marriage. Another example is to say we could be thinking ill thoughts, but you can elect not to say them. Theres something extra int he action of doing so.

  8. #8

    Default Re: type most likely to...

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    think that marriage and "we are boyfriend and girlfriend now," type official declarations screw up everything/mean nothing/cause more harm than good.


    It can't be an NT. Or at least not an INTJ or at least not me. Clarity is key. Once a boundary has been crossed and its crossing has been made clear by both parties, there is no need for further questions, trauma or drama. And that is a good thing.

    Productivity is always hampered by lingering questions. Once the slate is clean, there is more room for more shit.

    On the other hand, on the concept of a wedding ring and a marriage - here we have two indicators. One is a verbal indicator and the other, physical. Two are not necessary.

    It is only necessary to clear the air once. A constant reminder such as a ring is not necessary, and is just an embellishment. The air is already clear, it does not need to be cleared every second of every day hereafter via what appears to be a small collar.

    Having said that, any person can opt not to wear the ring and should be let to. If not, they should not be married.

  9. #9

    Default Re: type most likely to...

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    think that marriage and "we are boyfriend and girlfriend now," type official declarations screw up everything/mean nothing/cause more harm than good.


    It can't be an NT. Or at least not an INTJ or at least not me. Clarity is key. Once a boundary has been crossed and its crossing has been made clear by both parties, there is no need for further questions, trauma or drama. And that is a good thing.

    Productivity is always hampered by lingering questions. Once the slate is clean, there is more room for more shit.

    On the other hand, on the concept of a wedding ring and a marriage - here we have two indicators. One is a verbal indicator and the other, physical. Two are not necessary.

    It is only necessary to clear the air once. A constant reminder such as a ring is not necessary, and is just an embellishment. The air is already clear, it does not need to be cleared every second of every day hereafter via what appears to be a small collar.

    Having said that, any person can opt not to wear the ring and should be let to. If not, they should not be married.
    This was writtein by me, INTJ. For some damn reason I keep getting logged out, but not notified of this. So... that happens. Sorry!

  10. #10
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    Not sure it's xNFPs who think that marriage etc spoil everything. I'm one and I don't. I'm not sure if what I think is what you meant, so I'll specify.

    I hate being rushed into things; I've got to feel that I really know this person really, really well and that I've had time to think things through. Once I've made a commitment, then that's it, I'll stick to it come what may.

    But getting married was never a priority. I loved being single, and when I married I knew I was giving up a great part of my independence. I don't glorify marriage (or any other kind of commitment for life). You just know for certain that there will be problems, you'll fall out of love with each other, you'll become disenchanted at some point... it's bound to happen. But knowing that someone loves you enough to see all this and say "yes, I want to live with you even in those times, and I want to do everything I can to make this work"... well, that's why I married.

  11. #11
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    I have to guess what you really want to know is not applicable to the area you're questionning. What i mean is that you refer to "the type most likely" which by definition means nothing individually and is only useful for statistics so unless you don't already know general (and somewhat meaningless regarding your point on a personnal level) things like "p types prefer things unsettled" or "intuitives are less connected to reality", this thread probably won't bring you anything more than personnal views on the matter, redundant useless generalizations that are only good for statistical compilation or minor details that aren't that much of a part of the equation. Sometimes thirst for understanding crosses people's rationnality before they even start to analyze anything.

  12. #12
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    I pretty much see marriage as a way of registering your relationship with the government.

    I think the reason that most people get married is that they think that it will change the relationship; they seem to believe that they will feel secure once they are married. They often hope for changes in the other partner, which causes resentment. IMO obligation is never a good thing in a relationship. I want my partner to be with me because he wants to be with me, not because he's supposed to.

    So yes, I think that giving a relationship a title which has expectations attached to it and cause harm.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  13. #13
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    So yes, I think that giving a relationship a title which has expectations attached to it and cause harm.
    I have a very different feeling regarding this issue.

    I like expectations, I need expectations on me in order to accomplish things and to get better.

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