I can understand Cyclops' opening post

Quote Originally Posted by Grek0 View Post
Am not a ENTj's supervisor, but I know them well. Their confidence is, indeed, sometimes a deception. ENTj's attach a lot of importance to appearing "credible" to their interlocutors, at ALL times. Hence when they find themselves in a position where they are "cornered" into discussing an issue that they realise they don't actually grasp very well, and the other party just might have a better understanding, they will sort of panick internally and project that confidence outwardly, insisting in their position. The usual forcefulness with which they argue a point, even if they don;t actually know it well enough and they realise their position is most likely wrong, lets them get away with being semi-ignorant (the other side will probably quit the debate before the ENTj is fully exposed as being wrong).

This is the thing that I find most dissapointing about them for they are, in general, extremely competent and fluent intellects. Their sense of self-worth (or shuld I say, ego) is weaker than most are lead to believe
Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
This sounds more like ENFj to me.
Does it?
LIE's can be that way as well. I ran into one of these ... the thing is, it's an LIE E3. We had some serious clashes.

Not all LIEs are that way, particularly the E8s or the non-E3s. But the E3 LIEs are absolutely as described there.

Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
LIEs are ime not prone to fake knowing something, but say what they do know/think, and say "I don't know" if they don't. Also Greko as an ILI, shouldn't imo see LIEs as very different from him, yes, a different emphasis, but not an entirely different set of values. The kind of reaction that he describes, comes from imo a lack of confidence in their Te, that they have to build up a protective image around it as to not get "found out." An LIE shouldn't be lacking confidence in their leading function.
It's not really like that, it'snot about Te. It's about opportunities - it's all very mercenary. The LIE E3's try very hard to put on an image of success, but it's all by way of Te - the Fe they use is extremely rigid, although if they work hard enough they can be more polished.... which could be something an E3 LIE would do.

It's similar to how a Se-leading person doesn't have to "act Se" and doesn't get their panties in a bunch when someone challenges them in that element, but someone who wants to project that kind of image does get frantic and panicky, feeling cornered, and accentuates how much confidence they have in it. I'm assuming that the most likely to "seem ENTj" while not actually being ENTj and having low-Te would be an ENFj.
There is a huge difference between an ENFj trying to be Te and an ENTj trying to be Fe.