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Thread: SLI-LIE Supervision Relations (ISTp and ENTj)

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  1. #1
    ***el X Mercenary
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    Realizing you don't understand a subject as well as you thought you did and being either too proud or just not wanting to admitt to that has nothing to do with lacking confidence in Te IMO. I'm not even sure how you reached that conclusion.

    Resistance to admitt to lack of knowledge during heated, on-the-spot intellectual discourse, especially if said person previously considered themselves quite knowledgeable on a particular subject, is exactly the type of behavior one would expect from EJ/Se-super id IME.

    Some Si-EJs could just as easily compentently respond when being confronted on "Se" (though I'm not sure what you mean by that without specifics) without appearing to be cornered or as if they are projecting a fake image.

  2. #2
    ***el X Mercenary
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    When someone cannot take correction, and is unwilling to accept input into something, getting very defensive, it's more likely that it's something that they only WANT to look good at, rather than something they actually are good at. You obviously won't take input into something that you are good at, when you know that you're right, and the other person is wrong. But to get super-defensive and need to look right, even though you know that you're not, that's something else. And what Greko describes sounds like someone who is NOT strong in Te, but wants to appear as though they are, which is why they are so protective of themselves, and defensive, lest anyone see through the false image.
    When challenged on the spot about something someone previously considered themselves to be knowledgeable about, ppl can feel insecure and get stubborn. I think you're misattributing typical human bevaviors as having something to do with Te and misreading intentions.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeAnte View Post

    Resistance to admitt to lack of knowledge during heated, on-the-spot intellectual discourse, especially if said person previously considered themselves quite knowledgeable on a particular subject, is exactly the type of behavior one would expect from EJ/Se-super id IME.
    This is exactly when the reaction I described surfaces: when the ENTjs have entered the debate as most knowledgeable on the subject at hand and their credibillity (to which they attach huge importance as it is one of their means of assuming leadership) is threatened as ignorance or gross misconceptions from their part starts becoming apparent during a debate

    I have observed this is in three ENTjs, all three of whom I know very well and for several years. They are not ENFjs; not even close
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