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Thread: SLI-LIE Supervision Relations (ISTp and ENTj)

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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Brilliand's boss is an ENTj. My mom is an ISTp. He seems like a pretty sensible guy. But when my mom talks about him, he seems incompetent.
    Yeah I can understand this, it can seem this way, although I have been thinking it could well not be the case, at least for some i've worked with. Socionics helping us to understand each other to make things more..chill? ya de ya
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I don't know. I've never had too many problems with ISTps, but I also have never worked at jobs which required extreme attention to details, which I know it is probably not my comparative advantage. As far as friendship goes, I'm friends with a good number of ISTps, and I never had problems with them, but I don't know how do they feel about me.

    As far as not knowing what I'm doing: that's true if it's a task I've never executed before, but not generally true if it's a task I have executed before. Which, well, I assume is true for most people.
    Well, fwiw, I think you seem like a cool guy. You seem to have an adventuresome spirit, and with you what I see on forum, I typically can relate to your posts. Probably your, at least what I see, kinda approach to life is appealing to ISTp's, but you probably have a good range of friends, I would imagine, fwiw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    Well, the case I know is different. I'm in a study group with an ENTj and ISTp actually. The ENTj is usually on top of things, and takes the initiative in organizing when we'll meet. When he doesn't know something, he has no problem admitting it, so he really doesn't try to deceive us. He is very much on top of technology, and always has some kind way of solving a problem that involves technology, either some kind of program in the computer, graphing calculator, or knows how to fix problems we might have with a particular software.

    I think that if there is any "supervision" based on what I've seen is that the ENTj usually comes off as uptight, not really "laid back," to which the ISTp tells him to loosen up.
    I can understand this. At the moment i'm thinking of one in particular that i'm working with. To elaborate, the environment is rather high pressured, with results and production high on the agenda. There seems to be redundancies every so often as well, what with the economic climate, but typically we have probably too much work, but budget constraints on staff. Such an environment leads to different pressures I imagine.

    Something perhaps a bit more related to the environment you describe, is I recall a previous job where things where more 'chill'. There was an ENTj who worked there who had a bit of a motor mouth. He seemed to me pretty high strung, which in turn could again be a disconnection from his immediate environment.

    He dressed to me somewhat bizarely. I remember he asked me to help carry things from his car, he'd got designer clothes I presume on the cheap, but it was things like bright orange tops with something like 'Prada' written on it. I declined the offer of purchasing one lol.

    In the end his motormouth cost him his job, he said something, which perhaps he didn't actually mean, but he said it anyway to someone which really resulted in no other course of action than to result in his sacking.

    I've been friends with an ENTj in the past. Different environments and indeed different levels of 'competition' seem to result in different things.

    Thank you for your reply Sereno, it was interesting to me.

    And thanks to all so far :-). I don't really create too many threads and I appreciate the input I've had from folks.

    Different perspectives, situations and all that.

    Anyway, I ramble now perhaps, off to have something to eat this evening and no doubt collapse on couch for a while. Late night last evening, early start today..
    Last edited by Cyclops; 04-22-2009 at 05:01 PM.

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