I'd be interested to hear peoples thoughts on ISTp's supervising ENTj's.

Here's what I find when dealing with ENTj's; they basically don't know what they're doing.

Allow me to elaborate; there is an ENTj at work who I think, seems to be instinctively, that they are always missing the point or unable to execute things. Infact at times I've thought they are trying to deliberately deceive.

For instance, we are both focused on productivity ( Te) but they seem largely unaware of the details to execute something in the here and now, it can be simple as thinking on ones feet to solve a work related problem which requires immediate attention to organising something off the cuff like where things are on their desk, things people have said that is up to date information to factor into the problem. Analysing the tools we have at hand. I think this stresses them out.

There is one I know who seems to me to be really rather scatty and doesn't know where things are or leaves actual objects in places they can't remember which are required at hand.

So when this happens it puzzles me, and i'm like, do you remember this, where is that, I think to myself, 'why don't you know that information so that we can proceed'.

On the other hand though, when they start talking about long term plans, they can actually sound quite impressive. But it is when they try to speak with confidence about actually solving things that I find myself at first wondering if they are maybe deliberately missing the point or I try to work out what's going on in their heads to be coming to conclusions missing things out. They often do this while assuming a way of interacting which is with confidence, and I wonder if that confidence is an act or a deception; it probably isn't, they are just unaware they aren't aware of what the details are and indeed correct and necessary factual information in order to correctly establish the best action.

How do you guys find supervision of ENTj's? I'd be interested in ENTj's and other types as well as Delta responding too if you don't mind.
