Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
@FDG: supervision relations are not as bad as you'd think. i have 3 supervisor friends and 3 supervisee friends and get along great with all of them. funny thing...i'm much more confrontational of my supervisor friends (and they seem impervious to it, lol) than i am with my supervisee friends (who i think would react very negatively if i were to confront them). but supervision is OK as a friend thing....i would think it could be awful as a romantic thing though.
Fantastic, this supports an embedded hypothesis I didn't make explicit: we get along best with the adjacent type in the supervision ring that shares our merry/serious preference, thus INFjs would get along well with ESFps and ENTps with ISTjs, but not really ENTps with INFjs and ESFps with ISTjs. If we add this observation to the observation that positivist supervision rings lead to better relationships in comparison to negativist ones, we will find how ENTp-ISTj, ENTj-ISTp, ESFj-INFp and ESFp-INFj tend to get along much better (and form long-lasting relationships) in comparison to how classical socionics would predict. If we add to this conclusion smilingeyes' analysis on subtype interaction in relation to preference for accepting or creative function, we will thus empirically assist to the creation of double-positivist mirror-akin duets composed by ENTp-Ti with ISTj-Ti, ENTj-Te with ISTp-Te, ESFp-Fi with INFj-Fi and ESFj-Fe with INFp-Fe. These duets are very powerful in cooperating towards common goals due to the shared positivism and mutual correction which is analogous to the one experienced in mirror relations. I had already observed the phenomena but I wasn't sure on how I could classify it properly.
My very best friend in the world is ESFP-Fi. We "work" very well together. . .