Quote Originally Posted by metaiwan
Reuben, I looked at your chart before I read Ganin's article. I figured it was the 'birth of the type' if you will, assuming it's a process. Now that I've read the article, I don't understand what you really meant there.

So the question basically is....are you more aware of your hidden agenda and Polr based issues or your role and dual seeking functions? The article says the former, from my introspection and observations I'd say the latter.
Perhaps I should point something out in light of the model I posted earlier.


Corresponding Blocks
There are 4 further groupings of blocks besides the ego, superego, superid, and id groupings. These are the corresponding blocks of psyche; you will find supplimenting functions in these blocks.

active will - the first and fifth functions
authority - the second and sixth functions
neurosis - the third and seventh functions
phobia - the fourth and eighth functions
This description is not very clear ... it seems to neglect to say that within those groups the functions compete against each other

If you will have a look at the model I posted, you will see that the inferior rational functions are competeing against each other, and the inferior irrational functions are competeing against each other. However, the irrational functions and the rational functions are competeing against each other as a whole unit, that is all of the rational functions vs all of the irrational functions. Depending upon whether a person has dominant emphasis on their irrational or rational side despite individual dominance of functions, a person will either be more influenced by the hidden agenda function or more influenced by the suggestive function. Either way, most people are usually influenced by one or the other.