ha- ha, you are right Rocky, what I am saying is opposite to Ganin .

Ganin said:

So, if a person's Auxiliary and Tertiary functions are Feeling and Thinking (or Thinking and Feeling), then such person find it hard to keep these two in peace and may find it difficult to decide whether they are F or T. The Dominant and Inferior in this case would be Sensing and Intuition (or Intuition and Sensing), and should be quite easy to separate. Because the Dominant function is Perceiving in this case, the person would be Socionics Perceiving type (XXXp). So if MBTI INTJ person is more uncertain about being T or F than S or N i.e. IN(T/F)J or INxJ, then he or she will correspond to Socionics INTp.

If a person's Auxiliary and Tertiary functions are Sensing and Intuition (or Intuition and Sensing), then such person may find it difficult to keep these two in friendship and may find it hard to decide whether they are S or N. The Dominant and Inferior in this case would be Feeling and Thinking (or Thinking and Feeling), and should be quite easy to divide. Because in this case the Dominant function is Judging, the person would be Socionics Judging type (XXXj). So if MBTI INTJ person is more unsure about being S or N than T or F i.e. I(S/N)TJ or IxTJ, then he or she will correspond to Socionics INTj.

So here it is all of the above simplified:

Unsure about being T or F -> you are Socionics XXXp
Unsure about being S or N -> you are Socionics XXXj

And what I have understood was on the opposite. Functions which are easier to separate should be Auxiliary and Tertiary. But what is hard to separate is Dominant and Inferiour. However, I still did not change my mind and believe that things are the way are see it. Functions interact with each ohter and have different influences on each other. The Socioncs write very intellegent articles but the whole kitchen of interaction is not made much clear unless we try to figure it out ourselves and together. For example, i have read that article about hidden agenda and it wasn't very clear how Ganin came to this conclusion. now I have interesting thoughts about it, but first I would like to hear Rmcnew respond about the conflict between hidden agenda and ego function. It might be what i am thinking about. I believe that functions affect each other in all directions and what affects what- depends on situation. On the ohter hand there are some clear patterns in those interactions too. I wrote for example, how the second function assist the first - in your type : and it is possible to see how the forth function affects/associates with the first: to Your intuition works best in the world of and that is why you talk about sensing and movements of the body and brains. As for me: my forth is and it is associated with . So I am clever enough but only in people's world, i could not be any clever with computers and math and technical staff.

I guess when we understand better the kitchen of the functions we will better understand all statements of socionics and we shall challenge them!

Next will be the hidden agenda and the forth function. What kind of relationship between them? Rmcnew said hidden agenda affects ego function: which ones and how? And... whose statement seems more sensible to you: mine or Ganin's? Do I and Ganin mean the same functions by Tertiary, Auxiliary and etc...

For Rocky, I understand it this: -dominant, auxiliary, -tertirary, -inferiour.