Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
.. so me, Herzblut, Cone, Sychophant, and Taz are all Js in socionics?
You are perceivers or irrationals in socionincs. Of course you, Rocky, is very intuitve and nobody argues that - it is exactly what I wrote! Your first function is and your fourth function is that makes you strong in both functions and that is the war between function, because they both strong. And the same thing about all other people you mentioned: they are perceivers or irrationals in socionics.

Do i talk a different English so that people just do not see what I am saying? You are irrational and that is why you argue against Ganin articles. What you actually are saying that there are other original ways to determine the type which work for you. I agree and so many others, i believe. For rationals tests may be the best way to determin the type for irrationals - their own. Rules are not for everybody...sometimes.

What Ganin said about intuitve deciding on the type is what i said when i just joined the site: it can be done outomatically. I don't know eather Ganin repeats me in different words or we just know it by experiences and so this is true. When something is true - people agree.
Intuitive determining does not mean that you fill in the missing parts of your brain - but quite on the opposite: there is no process of any logical thinking whatsoever - you see and you know! Don't ask me how- those who have intuition as a strongest function could explain things like this the best.