Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
.. so me, Herzblut, Cone, Sychophant, and Taz are all Js in socionics?
Maybe I should rephrase what I said ... I still agree with the article within the context that Ganin intended, which is exactly what I think people are missing *context* ...

Let me explain by stating what I feel is wrong with the article ...

The problem with the article is that Ganin failed to mention that not everyone is effected by their own hidden agenda the same way as the article describes and may not be confused about their own type on account of the hidden agenda alone. Some people may have competition between their 1st, 5th or 4th, and 8th functions, while other people may confuse their 2nd, 6th, or 3rd and 7th functions.

The reason the article may apply to me and not everyone else is because I am personally right now having confusion between my 2nd, 6th, 4th, and 8th functions and that is reason I can not seem to decide between ENTp, ENFj, and INFp and I know I can only be one of those 3 types.

If you take the time to research and look at the models between the types, it will help you to grasp this concept.