Something Artemis said in this thread made me think a bit:
I said that here: Posted by Artemis
Actually his being a marine was for me just one hint, further details also made me doubt that he was an ENTj, I thought he was more likely an xSTx type and apparently the ISTp profile fits him.
Now, I'm pretty sure that there are ENTj marines - I think you can find all types in all jobs - but I just thought it unlikely. I thought it was a good starting point.
What I'm thinking about is, do you think that such a small amount of information can already provide a good general direction for typing someone, or it's misleading since it can make you overlook other alternatives?
I have another example.
An ISFj woman gave me the following information about an ex-boyfriend - that is all I know about him:
- a professional scuba diver, who worked with the police (recovering corpses etc)
- "couldn't stop talking for a minute"
- bragged to his friends about her high-profile profession and activities in detail, also revealing a few intimate details (it was her discovery that he was doing that that made her dump him, or so she said)
- at one point - perhaps when it was falling apart - he offered to give up his job so that he could follow her around wherever her high-flying career took her, even to the point of staying at home to take care of a future child (take note that her next move would be only 1 year later, so it wouldn't happen any time soon anyway).
Now, based on that information, it appears to me that the most likely types are, in that order:
1) ESTp
2) ESFp
3) ISTp
4) ENFp
While it's extremely unlikely that he'd be an xNTx type, with ENTp the least unlikely.
I know that more information is necessary for a conclusive typing, but do you think this kind of tentative typing is already valid?