Quote Originally Posted by redbaron
Subtle. Be more subtle at first. If I met ANYone who was initiating in a really strong way, friendship or otherwise, I usually back off before I get the chance to size them up in my own mind and decide what I want. And that's now at the ripe old age of 37. Heck back when I was 17 it was even worse. So my advice when dealing with INFps is to start very very slowly at first. Give them small doses of you and then back off. Of course I don't know your situation but that was my initial thought anyway.
Pretty much my thoughts as well. I always wonder/worry abt expectations when someone comes on strong. Also, I was really rather awkward about things like this when I was 17 and could really be quite cold when uncomfortable. (I guess I still can be at times!). I think IEIs probably have to "warm" to most people; get a baseline for interaction before they can really respond comfortably.

I know that's the way it is for me.