Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Quote Originally Posted by Suomea
Part 1 seems Ti to me maybe mixed with some Te. Logical analysis is definitely required. I think I would be quite good at part 1. Seems like part 1 is about adopting the best strategy which I think that ExTps would probably be pretty good at.

Part 2 seems much more Te. Also has the sound of Ni with all that time talk. I just know I'd do a lot better on part 1.
That sounds something like me. I feel pretty confident in part 1. Defining what needs to be done and in which order to reach a goal. However I dislike part 2. I'd much rather just define the tasks and start working. I hate it when I have to put deadlines or price tags on the tasks. Perhaps even dismiss some tasks because of lack of time or money. I'd rather let someone else do that. I just want to solve problems and not worry about whether there is enough time or money left (unless Im the one paying for it )
Well, the optimal situation is always one of unbounded maximization. Unfortunately only a few people in this world have such large amounts of money!

By the way the gift of punctuality that I have can also drive me crazy. Because I don't know anybody that is as punctual as me, not even my ISTj friend, so I always have to wait, bitch and moan. I think one of the few things I'm really intolerant about is people that are late.