Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
What would happen with a cross between identicality in slave type and master of another person? We would see the world as the person lives it. Thus we would view the world the way the other party lives it, and actually have more insight into their psyche as they have it themselves, unless they happen to have a coincident master-slave type.
I personally don't notice anything groundbreaking in that regard. I don't see ENFp's any different than any other type.

FDG I think that's a good observation.

Much has been made of ******'s theatrical capacity; indeed, the argument goes that ENFjs in general know how to play a role. But do they define the role they play? Not usually: that is the domain the ENFJ exertion types, because drama is a response to observation. If the situation calls for an emotionally arousing demonstration, the exertion ENFJ will offer it by conveying their state of mind so effectively that others literally get swept up in it. In such a state the ENFJ finds themselves well suited, because they have lots of relevant information to process.

Is this what you were referring to, FDG?