Quote Originally Posted by Joy
When I say drama I don't mean blowing situations out of proportion... in fact, it's more like minimizing situations which somehow allows them to become rather sitcom or movie drama-like. The past ten years of my life have been full of all sorts of adventures and misadventures... events that are dramatic.
I would say that is the story of my life then. Take for example this past weekend my ESTp friend and I were hanging out. Now, when my ESTp and friend get together there is always the potential that something is going to get burned down, or someone is going to end up in jail.

At midnight Saturday, we decided to take a hour and a half road trip to hang and drink with these girls. On the way there we strated trippin out that we were riding past mountain and shit, and there was snow on the ground. It was totally random, and suggested by me. Sunday night, we found out by this whore house that was having a party in a rough neighborhood. We wanted to see if there was any activity, so we just packed up and went to see the happenings.

I dunno, it seems my life is always having some weird adventure episode taking place. I can relate to the movies Wedding Crashers, and Harold & Kumar, and select episodes of Seinfeld with other "misadventures" in my life.