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Thread: ENTps and drama

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal
    Joy, I'm gonna hyjack your thread for just a second. Look, they are talking about me! Nothing you can do about it It won't take long, so don't worry, you can have this spotlight thing again after this is cleared up.
    I'm the last person you need to apologize to for that.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  2. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    Quote Originally Posted by universal
    Hmmm, ok, I guess I just really suck at understanding what people mean or their intentions sometimes. I just fuck up on getting what seems so trivial for ENTP. Both are pretty hopeless in their own ways in some regards. ENTP's talk and express allot easier, without any problem. What's kind of frustrating is having to read about views and sticking to views, because that's a big load of crap. Not to confuse that sticking to an idea is something else then sticking to a view, shouldn't confuse those, because that's just your own perception. Ideas change easely and one can have plenty. Oh about claiming neutrallity, I rather think that your ENTP views change very often which is why you are less likely to ever stick to one idea in the first place. Sticking to one idea would seem pointless to you. Gee, this socionics stuff is very humbling. I'm of full of INTJ shit.
    Are you sure you're not entj? You sure sound entj to me. :wink:

    Yeah, I agree! He's fucking exciting and he uses swearwords.
    Are you messin with me?

  3. #83

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    Anyone can tip me on which socionics test would be best to take? I'm also beginning to realize that ENTJ could be my type instead of INTJ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I'm the last person you need to apologize to for that.
    I figure this is all my own misunderstanding. Never mind.
    Logical-Intuitive Extravert (ENTj)

  4. #84

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    My ex used to call me "extreme Polly" because nothing just normal happens to me. I either get major catastrophes or things which seem like miracles that save my ass.

    Current Dramas:

    Was off sick from work for several months and now that I'm back am being harassed like never before by a creditor. Including they've followed me to work, showed up at my work, have rang my doorbell at 6am and call me at least twice a day everyday. I'm making reasonable plans to pay them but I've never seen harassment tactics like this before. I feel like I'm dealing with the mafia.

    I woke up this morning and couldn't move my head. Now I have to go to the doctor to see what the heck is wrong.

    I'm in a relationship that is not really going anywhere for either of us but we both got so much going on right now its comfortable and convenient.

    I'm beyond broke after going through a career change after I recovered from being sick.

    This is all in the last couple of weeks. I keep wondering if these things will ever stop and my life will calm down long enough for me to catch my breath.

    ....and now I'm out of cigarettes and bitchy as hell and feeling very sorry for myself!

  5. #85
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    Quote Originally Posted by universal
    Hmmm, ok, I guess I just really suck at understanding what people mean or their intentions sometimes. I just fuck up on getting what seems so trivial for ENTP. Both are pretty hopeless in their own ways in some regards. ENTP's talk and express allot easier, without any problem. What's kind of frustrating is having to read about views and sticking to views, because that's a big load of crap. Not to confuse that sticking to an idea is something else then sticking to a view, shouldn't confuse those, because that's just your own perception. Ideas change easely and one can have plenty. Oh about claiming neutrallity, I rather think that your ENTP views change very often which is why you are less likely to ever stick to one idea in the first place. Sticking to one idea would seem pointless to you. Gee, this socionics stuff is very humbling. I'm of full of INTJ shit.
    Are you sure you're not entj? You sure sound entj to me. :wink:

    Yeah, I agree! He's fucking exciting and he uses swearwords.
    Are you messin with me?
    Why? I really think he's ENTj - INTjs don't use swearwords and slangy lexicon. They also talk slower - this shows also in writing - and their sentences are built just in the opposite way of the ENTj's ones.

    Anyway Universal, a good test might be this one :

    Though it might still show you as an introvert - which you're not. Trust me, even your nick is an ENTj one. I get the vibe "oh wow this guy rocks", which is the indentical vibe.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  6. #86

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    @FDG: Gotcha. I hadn't read far enought up in the thread .

    @Polly: I feel you. Here's some more drama:

    Yesterday I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism with a probable cause of Graves disease. I find out for sure next week when I go for the uptake scan. For the past three weeks, my resting heartrate has been 110, my muscles are shaking as is my voice, and my entire body feels like it's vibrating on the inside.

    This week was the first week of teaching this semester's graduate class, during a particularly intense spell of the above. I finally told them my thyroid was acting up and don't worry I'm not usually so speedy.

    I had a huge betrayal at my full time job last summer that left me in a no choice or room situation at work; no new jobs around here either.

    Ahhh shit, now I'm just complaining.

  7. #87

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    omg Blaze, if you were younger I'd swear we were twins separated at birth.

    I was born with Graves disease. I had my thyroid removed when I was 12 years old because of it. I can emphathize with your shakes. I actually had to study caligraphy as a kid to teach me how to control my writing. The medication helps, it really does. There are all kinds of new treatments now that you don't have to go through surgery. The thing they don't warn you sufficiently about when it comes to the surgery is the weight gain. You go from eating like a pig and not gaining a pound to even looking at food and gaining weight because you become hypothyroid. But I went through that adjustment as a young teen..dammit, at the time in your life when you most want to be skinny.

    My whole career change came about as difficult time at work last March. I was in a horrible situation that I felt I had no choice but to quit my job and the company I had worked with for 8 years. I'm in the process of changing lemons into lemonaide though. I decided to say screw what other people think is the route I should take. I'm going to do what makes me happy. I'm getting back on my feet and I just feel things getting better in my life....with one exception...

    I can still barely move my freaking head. I went to the Dr. and I had apparently had some kind of muscle spasm at 2am this morning. I'm on prescription anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers and have a prescription for massage therapy. Ok...well the last part is cool but STILL!!!

    But because of the above I couldn't keep my committment to the mafia corporation creditor so there will be hell to pay even for this on Monday...

    Extreme Polly strikes again.

  8. #88

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    Wow! That is a freaky coincidence!

    What type of work are you getting into now? I have to wait until something pops up. The other thing I could do is start a private practice plus teaching, could be good, might be a two year plan though.

    What's the deal with the eye thing with Graves? Did you get any eye or skin symptoms? I don't have these right now.

    Hey pm me if you want.

  9. #89

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    I'm doing contract database work at the moment. I'm combining the administrative aspects of three separate companies into one through a database. The end result is to hopefully reduce wait times for a specialized medical area.

    I was getting really desperate for work and was about to take anything when this came up. My background in administration is perfect, who better to help medical secretaries and to design admin systems than a person who was one herself for many years.

    The funny thing is, I was just at the right place at the right time to get the contract. I have enough time though to learn what I need to to complete the project. Its giving me ideas for other areas and I think I might actually be able to sell myself while providing a much needed service. So the better this thing works, the better it is for me.

    I did have the eye thing, I'll see if I can find a picture when I was younger to pm you tomorrow. I had dry skin and bad exema as a baby. I had the butterfly in the throat thing. Any specialist could tell I had graves disease just by looking at me. Actually, that's how I was diagnosed. One was walking down the hallway of a hospital when she saw me. She asked my mom if I'd been tested then became my specialist for 12 years.

    Oh and just to add to the drama, prior to the surgery I was given radiated iodine and it almost killed me. I had a rare reaction that causes this weird syndrome, at the time it had only been heard of 5 times before in Canada. I was like guinee pig with all these people poking at me and studying me. I can't remember the name of syndrome, it didn't actually have a name when I had it.

    Anyway, I was in a wheel chair for 3 mos because of it and they didn't even know if I'd walk again at first. It barely fizzed me at the time, I loved zooming around in that wheel chair.

    It left me with permanent arthritis. It was a lot worse when I was younger. Its gotten better as I've gotten older.

    Extreme Polly

  10. #90

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    Polly that's some extreme medical stuff, for sure. I'm glad you made it through it. I had never heard of someone being born with Graves disease. If you can deal with it, I guess I can too.

    I'm a social worker by profession. I've liked it well enough, but to make a reasonable amount of money you have to be in management. Social work is hard since human services is greatly underfunded and always at risk for being cut. I think management can be stressful, although I've been in it for about seven years and I've gotten the hang of it pretty well. Right now I direct a case management program for seriously and persistently mentally ill people.

    I actually considered taking up other professions recently, but each one seemed like a major investment with not that great of a return, so . . . I continue in SW.

    Your story is dramatic. I don't know how you made it through all that stuff.

  11. #91

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    Not many people are actually born with Graves disease. Why no one could figure out what was wrong with me. They kept testing for other things.

    When you don't know any different, you don't know any different. I'm not really sure what its like to be "normal" because I was either hyper or hypo my whole life.

    They symptoms are controllable though and things have come a long way since I was a kid. I will get around to finding that picture!! hehe.

    My biggest problem I can think of was just getting people to understand I had a disease. You can look so normal from the oustide and you don't look like you have an illness. So some people (including teachers in school) thought I was just misbehaving so I was punished a lot and my mom had to come to the rescue.

    It really sounds more dramatic than it actually was. Mostly it was just a pain in the ass. Having to take meds everyday for the rest of your life sucks and going for the blood tests. I still hate this even though I've done it since I was 5.

    You'll start getting used to hearing everytime you have something wrong with you "It may be thyroid related" which can be kind of frustrating. Once you are diagnosed, doctors may tend not to dig deeper into symptoms you have which could be related to another illness. Instead they chalk it up to your thyroid.

    On the plus side, you get to eat guilt free when you are hyper-thyroid!! Most people who are hyper don't gain weight easily. There are a lot of people out there when I was growing up who wished they had my disorder because I was a little junk food piglet and never gained a pound.

    Are you tall by any chance? That was also a symptom for me when I was a kid. I grew so fast it was painful. I was 5'9" when they removed my thyroid when I was 12. I grew about a quarter of an inch after the surgery but then I stopped growing.

    That is actually kind of cool you are in social work. I was trained by a social work school to be a diversity educator. That was one thing I really enjoyed when I was working at my last job, was doing a bit of teaching.

    The thing that I realized was, I was basically letting training etc. stop me from going in certain fields. Sounds very logical until you realize that my training could be applied to different areas and because I learn so fast the rules really don't apply to me when it comes to an education. You just have to find the right company who follows that same philosophy. Universities don't so I had to leave that environment.

    Its scary as hell though. I had all kinds of security after working there for 8 years. I had worked my way up to lower management and was heading for middle management. I was so incredibly stressed though. I actually think ENTPs get it worse in this area.

    There are so few in management who can actually see the big picture. It doesn't take too long for people to realize you can and start coming to you for advice and support. Before you know it, your workload is 3 times that of those around you. ENTPs are good at solving problems and there are a lot of people out there who lack confidence and come to you instead of taking the chance or putting the effort in to do it themselves. They will use you and abuse you if you let them.

    I found at Universities they had a lot of very educated people in their field doing administrative work they weren't really qualified to do so made a lot of poor decisions. I think administration should be done in consultation with the field you are administrating to. There are just too many in these fields who don't have the administrative background or even technological expertise that administration now takes to be proficient at their jobs.

    It is my hassles in dealing with this kind of stuff that indicates to me, that there could be a real need for my services to streamline administrative systems for companies but on a contract basis. My goals change a lot though...a couple months ago I was going to set up my own photography studio hehe. I still might, who knows. But bills demand more immediate attention.

    For the record though, I've taken lots of non-credit courses but for the most part have just my Grade 12 (upgraded from a GED) and lots of on-the-job training. I'm self-taught in most areas. Education smedumacation! Just follow your instincts and don't let that hold you back.

  12. #92

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    I'm pretty average - 5'5.

    The eating was great, especially through the holidays. I didn't weight myself but my clothes kept fitting fine, so I was like, cool!

    I'm considering trying to lose 10-15 pounds in case I become hypothyroid when they put me on meds or do radioactive iodine or whatever. But I'm so hungry it would be hard.

    At this point in my life it seems like really all work is the same and it basicallly sucks except in those rare moments when you get to be creative and no one is stopping you (like an istj). To me, if you can stand to do the work day in and day out, you're doing pretty good. Wow that sounds pessimistic but it's the way I see it. Only a select few get to be golden and it's based on politics and luck.

  13. #93


    Hugs for Blaze and Polly G! I have Graves Disease too... and I'm allergic to carbimazole

    But fortunately the 3 days I was on carbimazole seems to have brought things under control. *Phew*. Now I just need to be conscious of anything else that pops up that might be related to thyroid or immune system.

    Anyway I feel for you!

  14. #94
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    In light of recent developements, I'm wondering if there should be an INTjs and drama thread.

    as for everyone else....... I hope their health issues work out for the best. Healthy is good.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  15. #95

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    I'm bashing in here for a second. Then I'll be gone from the thread.

    To those who suggested I am ENTJ and not INTJ. It's blatantly obvious to me by now that I am ENTJ, no doubt in my mind. I also read some ENTJ posts on the forum and recognized myself.

    Thanks for giving me the info for this and freeing me from Alpha humans
    Logical-Intuitive Extravert (ENTj)

  16. #96
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal
    I'm bashing in here for a second. Then I'll be gone from the thread.

    To those who suggested I am ENTJ and not INTJ. It's blatantly obvious to me by now that I am ENTJ, no doubt in my mind. I also read some ENTJ posts on the forum and recognized myself.

    Thanks for giving me the info for this and freeing me from Alpha humans
    All good and well guy, go feed your

    You use the word "shit" too much to be an INTj, shit.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  17. #97

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by universal
    I'm bashing in here for a second. Then I'll be gone from the thread.

    To those who suggested I am ENTJ and not INTJ. It's blatantly obvious to me by now that I am ENTJ, no doubt in my mind. I also read some ENTJ posts on the forum and recognized myself.

    Thanks for giving me the info for this and freeing me from Alpha humans
    All good and well guy, go feed your
    Yeah I figured out that pretty much. I blame it on having had to deal with allot of surpression. Actually I did feed my yesterday and didn't have such a great day for a long time. So I'm cool, working on it.
    Logical-Intuitive Extravert (ENTj)

  18. #98

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    You use the word "shit" too much to be an INTj, shit.
    I'm not sure what you actually meant by the back there to be honoust. There are explanations on this site, but I am not sure what you meant by it, so I am not sure if understand socionics well enough. I'd aprecaite it if I could understand what you mean with the so that I can learn to study this more on my own and better trust that I understand some of the logic behind all of this.

    I've come accross this:
    6. Activation Function - also know as the "Hidden-agenda," this function willfully seeks to express itself and to become energized into a state of confidence or creativity. It may attempt to compete with other functions and become dominant, deceiving many to believe it is a strong and resourceful function. In reality, it often implements itself as a disguise or a feint intended to feed, cloth, and protect other functions. It could be considered a parental function to the childish and immature 4th function. Often a person can mistake this function for the 1st or 2nd functions.
    Logical-Intuitive Extravert (ENTj)

  19. #99

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    Hugs for Blaze and Polly G! I have Graves Disease too...
    What are the freaking odds that three females on this site have Graves Disease. It almost lends to the creedence of my little pet theory that ENTPs (and perhaps even INTPs) develop their NTness because they have to. People with Graves often have attention problems, hyperthyroidism is actually one of the causes of ADHD. Before hearing personality related explanations for the way I learn and interpret information, I always though it was related to the attention problems.

    I need a generalized overview instead of all the details because my concentration drifts. Especially if someone is going over a lot of details which I feel are just unimportant to the big picture.

    I feel in many ways I have had to learn in a different way to compensate for this. To this day they tend to diagnose girls with thyroid problems and don't address their ADHD symptoms and boys get the ADHD diagnosis and may not even be tested for thyroid disorder.

  20. #100

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    Shoot, Ishy, how long have you had it? Graves I mean.

    I don't think I've had it very long . . . over the summer my heart rate was 60 and now it's 110. But I think it does explain the irritibility and impatience I've had recently. Then again, I've always been a little bit irritible and impatient .


  21. #101


    lol I have hypo. Yay for L-Thyroxine.

  22. #102

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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    Hugs for Blaze and Polly G! I have Graves Disease too...
    What are the freaking odds that three females on this site have Graves Disease. It almost lends to the creedence of my little pet theory that ENTPs (and perhaps even INTPs) develop their NTness because they have to. People with Graves often have attention problems, hyperthyroidism is actually one of the causes of ADHD. Before hearing personality related explanations for the way I learn and interpret information, I always though it was related to the attention problems.

    I need a generalized overview instead of all the details because my concentration drifts. Especially if someone is going over a lot of details which I feel are just unimportant to the big picture.

    I feel in many ways I have had to learn in a different way to compensate for this. To this day they tend to diagnose girls with thyroid problems and don't address their ADHD symptoms and boys get the ADHD diagnosis and may not even be tested for thyroid disorder.
    A snowball's chances in hell!!

    Do you think thyriod problems could be related to N? Or ADHD could be related to N? Maybe anything that hypes you up reduces tolerance for details.

  23. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    Hugs for Blaze and Polly G! I have Graves Disease too...
    What are the freaking odds that three females on this site have Graves Disease. It almost lends to the creedence of my little pet theory that ENTPs (and perhaps even INTPs) develop their NTness because they have to.
    If only I was an ENTp :wink:

  24. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    Do you think thyriod problems could be related to N? Or ADHD could be related to N? Maybe anything that hypes you up reduces tolerance for details.

    Here the ENTps start talking about teh ADHD. If anything, it would be related to extroversion (you could argue either way for intuition and sensing), but that's rubbish because I'm more hyperactive than most ADDers my age and I'm an introvert.

  25. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    Shoot, Ishy, how long have you had it? Graves I mean.

    I don't think I've had it very long . . . over the summer my heart rate was 60 and now it's 110. But I think it does explain the irritibility and impatience I've had recently. Then again, I've always been a little bit irritible and impatient .

    I've had it for coming up to a year now. It's been controlled since last July (after a trip to the Emergency ward after my throat and tongue swelled up from the carbimazole).

  26. #106


    Im not sure. Uhm, I do know that it took them a year to figure out was wrong with me and why I felt so tired. I switched doctors and the first thing he did was take a blood test for thyroid (apparently the other doctor thought I was lying or he was simply retarded) and there it was, I was fixed in the same day he saw the irregular results. They didnt look at ADHD for me since hypo is obviously different. They sent me to a joint doctor at one point (they thought I had raynaud's...) and thought I had generalized anxiety at another point (makes sense to a degree but they seriously werent listening). However, they never thought hypo until I went to the new dude who was way younger and probably understood gender better with newer education.

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    Maybe there is some kind of combo NP relationship. The ENTP, INTP, ENFP all have similar qualities when it comes to what others see is our absent minded behavior.

    I don't know very much about INFPs though. Would they fall into the category of those who have that absent minded kind of behavior?

  29. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by ILENTp
    Ok, what's grave's disease and what's thyroid thingy?
    Graves disease is an autoimmune disease. Your immune system produces anti-thyroid antibodies. The antibodies attach to receptors on the thyroid, which tricks the thyroid into thinking the antibodies are thyroid stimulating hormone. The thyroid starts working harder and secreting more thyroxine because it's under the impression that your body needs to increase metabolism.

    In the meantime, your pituitary gland notices something is not quite right, and stops secreting thyroid stimulating hormone. Of course, you thyroid doesn't notice this, it thinks the antibodies are thyroid stimulating hormone and goes on its merry way.

    (Pardon my slightly rusty human biology)

    The symptoms are goitre, "wide eyes" (if only I could remember what that was actually called), and increased heart rate/metabolism. You eat a lot, talk faster, and have boundless energy.

    So the increased metabolism might sound good or kinda of fun but you don't want to leave it that way or you risk meeting the horrible thyroid storm, which is likely to kill you.

    (I'm so so rusty on the terminology...)

  30. #110


    @Jadae: is it Hashimoto's or some other hypothyroidism?

  31. #111

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    "Graves' Disease is a type of autoimmune disease that causes over-activity of the thyroid gland, causing hyperthyroidism. This over-activity is also sometimes called "toxic diffuse goiter." The thyroid gland helps set the rate of metabolism, which is the rate at which the body uses energy. When the thyroid is too active, it makes more thyroid hormones than the body needs. High levels of thyroid hormones can cause side effects such as weight loss, rapid heart rate and nervousness. This is a common disease that affects 2 percent of all women at some time in their lives. Graves’ Disease also tends to affect women between the ages of 20 and 40, although it occurs in infants, children, and the elderly. "

    "An autoimmune disease occurs when the body's immune system becomes misdirected and attacks the very organs, cells, or tissues that it is supposed to protect. About 75% of autoimmune diseases occur in women, most often during their childbearing years."

    "These are the most common symptoms of Graves’ Disease and hyperthyroidism:

    trouble sleeping
    trouble getting pregnant
    frequent bowel movements
    weight loss without dieting
    heat sensitivity
    increased sweating
    muscular weakness
    changes in vision or how your eyes look
    lighter menstrual flow
    rapid heart beat
    hand tremors "
    "Hyperthyroidism - Overactive thyroid condition
    Breathing Difficulties (shortness of breath)
    Dyslexia (difficulty with reading, calculating, thinking)
    Erratic behavior, Excessive mood swings
    Eye problems (blurring; double vision; gritty, achy, dry, irritated
    red eyes; bulging eyes; light sensitivity; jumpy eyes; watery eyes)
    Fatigue (all the time, despite sleep sufficiency)
    Fertility problems
    Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
    Hair problems ( thinning and loss, textural changes)
    Hearing disabilities (tinnitus, ear ringing among them)
    High blood pressure
    High cholesterol
    Hypersensitivity to heat (heat intolerance)
    Increased appetite
    Increased frequency of stools (without diarrhea)
    Increased sweating
    Insomnia or restless sleep
    Low resistance to infections
    Menstrual changes (flow, duration)
    Mental challenges (forgetfulness, brain fog, uncontrollable rages)
    Muscle weakness (arm triceps, leg quadriceps)
    Nail problems
    Osteoporosis (demineralization and weakening of the bones)
    Palpitations (rapid, forceful or irregular heart beats)
    PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
    Sexual dysfunction (low drive in both sexes, impotence in men)
    Skin Changes (rashes, dry, itchy, patchy)
    Swelling (facial, eye or leg)
    Tachycardia (rapid heart beat)
    Throat problems (difficulty swallowing, sore throat)
    Tremors (shaking hands)
    Voice changes (hoarse, husky)
    Weakness (overall, all the time)
    Weight fluctuation (gain or more commonly loss, 6-10 lbs.)

    Hypothyroidism - Underactive thyroid condition
    Allergies (developing or worsening)
    Breathing difficulties (shortness of breath, chest tightness)
    Cold body temperature (feeling cold too)
    Constipation (not usually relieved with the usual aids)
    Dizziness (often accompanied with vertigo)
    Eye problems (bulging eyes; gritty, dry, achy, blurry, irritated, red eyes; light sensitivity; double vision; jumpy eyes)
    Facial puffiness (eyes, lids too)
    Fatigue (despite sleep sufficiency)
    Fertility problems (miscarriage too)
    Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
    Hair problems (coarse, dry texture) (hypothyroid hair loss: head and outer edge of eyebrow )
    Hearing disabilities (tinnitus, ear ringing)
    High cholesterol levels
    Infections (less resistance to them)
    Low blood pressure
    Menstrual changes (flow, duration)
    Mental Challenges (brain fog, lack of focus, concentration)
    Mood changes
    Muscle and joint aches (severe, especially hands and feet)
    Nail problems (dry, brittle)
    PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
    Sexual dysfunction (low drive in both sexes, impotence in men)
    Skin changes (dry, itchy, patchy)
    Sleep apnea (lapses of breath while sleeping) and snoring
    Slow pulse
    Throat problems (swallowing difficulty)
    Voice changes (hoarse, husky)
    Weakness (overall, all the time)
    Weight fluctuation (gain or loss)"

  32. #112


    It is not the phsycial version. They never verified Hashimoto or not. My guess is that it is not but the pituitary gland being an ass and not giving me enough. It was weird because I was fine until about 20 and then I started becoming tired, anxious, cold, difficult memory (like I remember letting people cheat off my homework and acing everything to, all of a sudden, actually having to study!) and matte hair (for example, I remember people loved to touch my hair because it was so soft and glossy and then all of a sudden it was dull). I know my mother has it as well but Im not sure why I have it to be honest. Everything's fine now which is what I obviously care about.

  33. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    It is not the phsycial version. They never verified Hashimoto or not. My guess is that it is not but the pituitary gland being an ass and not giving me enough. It was weird because I was fine until about 20 and then I started becoming tired, anxious, cold, difficult memory (like I remember letting people cheat off my homework and acing everything to, all of a sudden, actually having to study!) and matte hair (for example, I remember people loved to touch my hair because it was so soft and glossy and then all of a sudden it was dull). I know my mother has it as well but Im not sure why I have it to be honest. Everything's fine now which is what I obviously care about.
    I'm glad you're ok now!

    My aunt has Hashimoto's, my mum has Graves' (and I have Graves', obviously, lol).

    I remember the "recovery period", you know how your body takes a few weeks to figure itself out once your thyroid is functioning normally again? I was hot and cold all over the place! Absolutely insane.

  34. #114


    I love seeing the lists lol. They dont really tell you how it feels tho. For example, getting up was dreadful. I'd slowly wake up, my knees would crack and my hands/feet would be frozen even with the heat blanket on high, as I would place my feet on the floor. It was always the slowest walk to the bathroom to pee as you felt your back was as heavy as possible and all you could think about was wanting to sit down or sleep more. This was a huge contrast to before when I was up like a beaver and wanting to work at 6am in the morning lol.

    Im sure hyper felt different, too.

  35. #115

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    We sound like little thyroid specialists lol!

    Here are some pics I sent to Blaze regarding the eye thing. The first was in 1977 when I was first diagnosed with Graves disease and the second is in 1979 after being treated for a couple years. The pictures are kind of fuzzy but you can kind of see the difference in the eyes...

    I feel you though Jadae, after the surgery I became hypo-thyroid. The brain fog isn't as bad though being hyper and I don't have panick attacks like I did when I was hyper. If I had to pick what one mentally I would prefer it would be hypo...physically in many ways I would pick hyper. Sure is nice to be skinny without trying as opposed to looking at food and gaining weight.

    I have a very difficult time burning off carbs now. It totally sucks.

  36. #116


    I couldn't stay awake during daylight hours and I couldn't sleep at night! I couldn't stop eating, when euthyroid I am almost never hungry but I was hungry all the time, which was really really unpleasant!

  37. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    It is not the phsycial version. They never verified Hashimoto or not. My guess is that it is not but the pituitary gland being an ass and not giving me enough. It was weird because I was fine until about 20 and then I started becoming tired, anxious, cold, difficult memory (like I remember letting people cheat off my homework and acing everything to, all of a sudden, actually having to study!) and matte hair (for example, I remember people loved to touch my hair because it was so soft and glossy and then all of a sudden it was dull). I know my mother has it as well but Im not sure why I have it to be honest. Everything's fine now which is what I obviously care about.
    I'm glad you're ok now!

    My aunt has Hashimoto's, my mum has Graves' (and I have Graves', obviously, lol).

    I remember the "recovery period", you know how your body takes a few weeks to figure itself out once your thyroid is functioning normally again? I was hot and cold all over the place! Absolutely insane.
    I remember that. I was mainly excited tho... it was so nice to be relieved from "phsyical prison." Sometimes if I keyboard too much my hands will get mildy cold but that's a far cry from before. My personal theory is that this all happened after stepping in a wood hornet's nest (at Mount Hood on vacation, we were walking in a Hemlock forest and I stepped through the ground and into a nest). Im guessing something shocked my body wrong somehow because that is the only thing I can think of that was discontinuous between the time I was fine and then I felt like shit.

  38. #118


    I was fortunate enough to not get the eye thing. It got jumped on pretty quick actually, but not until after my super-bad OCD ephisode.

    ADHD + Stimulant meds + Hyperactive Thyroid - Serotonin = super-bad OCD

  39. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    I remember that. I was mainly excited tho... it was so nice to be relieved from "phsyical prison." Sometimes if I keyboard too much my hands will get mildy cold but that's a far cry from before. My personal theory is that this all happened after stepping in a wood hornet's nest (at Mount Hood on vacation, we were walking in a Hemlock forest and I stepped through the ground and into a nest). Im guessing something shocked my body wrong somehow because that is the only thing I can think of that was discontinuous between the time I was fine and then I felt like shit.
    I broke myself with aspartame. One year my mum bought Equal (because sugar is the devil , come to think of it she is probably my supervisee, lol), and I seriously haven't been the same since. I get sick more often, I get worse seizures and memory gaps, I'm a lot weaker physically. Completely screwed up. Aspartame is the devil

    (edited for typos)

  40. #120

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    I'm totally addicted to Diet Pepsi and my mom gave me all this literature on aspertame as well. Its kind of weird when you see how many symptoms are also the same as thyroid related illness.

    All these damn temptations. I get super cold too. I am a total heat slut.

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