Quote Originally Posted by tereg
Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
What exactly do you mean by care-free?
(I'm inclined to think ENFp, but INFj is possible.)
What I mean by that is being able to do things without caring so much about what other people think about it. Unfortunately, some of the decisions I make are based on others' perception of the decision I would make.

I'll give you an example.

When I'm making an unprotected right turn from a red light or pulling out of a driveway and a car pulls up behind me. Instead of going when I feel safe to go, suddenly, I shrink that threshhold because I don't want that guy behind me to get pissed off and honk, maybe get out of his car and share a few words with me. So I sacrifice my own safety and necessity just so I can avoid making the other person pissed off.
Good, that's exactly what I was looking for. Basically weak Se, and probably unvalued. INFj seems perfectly suitable.