Quote Originally Posted by tereg
Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir
I understand you, but i fail to understand the bolded part.

and btw, thanks for clarifying what you meant by care-free.
In the example I used, I have a standard that I will use to determine whether to pull out or not. Usually it's dependent upon how far an approaching car is and how fast I determine it is going. When there's nobody behind me, I feel relaxed and I can go when I feel safe. When someone is waiting on me, the threshhold (the standard I use) adjusts so that I can accomodate the person waiting on me.

Concretely, if my standard is a car 200 feet away going 30 mph, and somebody is waiting on me, I might sacrifice that standard and pull out if he's 100 feet away and going 45. Something along those lines.

The more agitated the person waiting on me gets, the more pressure I feel to move ASAP.
OOO, I actually feel the same way, if someone is waiting on me to do something, I rush to get whatever I'm doing done, possibly messing up in the middle of hurrying.

I consider that part of me weak, and I wish I was more "care-free", as you defined it. Do you feel the same way about that driving habit?