Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
INTp can only give you gammas perspective. INTj would be interesting, someone should say something.
K here's how I feel about it.
Really, like I told you before, I believe part of it is because you don't wipe their butts.. LIIs really need a girl who likes to wipe butts. You kind of do the opposite, you suggest in some way: Get away from me and go do it yourself.
I have the same problem with ESEs when they come up to me and say something like ... "Good morning."
Then when I don't say Good morning; I just say a disconnected "yeah...", since I don't even know them and the morning isn't really that good anyway.. I have not granted them the opportunity to further wipe my butt... they are now turned away and angry.
"We've got the macy's day parade ian!" - ESE
....No response, since I don't care at all - ILI
- ESE leaves annoyed

"MMMmm... Good asperagus. Today they had good asperagus at the store. Brand new straight from.. blah blah blah" ESE
"I don't give a shit" - ILI
"You sure know how to be a dick don't you?" - ESE
...just being honest, if I said that to a SEE she laughs and agrees she doesnt give a shit.

It's the same with SEE/LII but the butt wiping concept is reversed

"You gota make sure I drink alot of water before I go to bed, so I'm not hungover" - Drunk LII
"Why don't you just... drink water before you go to bed" - SEE
....results in an angry LII
"Hey, Can I have one cigarette?" -LII
"I only have two left" -SEE
"Well can we split it" -LII
"No, I need them for later" -SEE
...results in pissed off LII

There is also the language issue.

"I went to the mall today, I went shopping" -SEE
"You mean you went shopping at the mall" -LII
"Umm.... yeah that's what I mean. What else would I mean.." -SEE
"Well ...(Insert some gramatical banter here)" -LII
"...ok" -SEE
LII proceeds to logically badger SEE

Something I've had with my mom...
"Everyone is fucking crazy" -ILI
"Everyone is not crazy" -ESE
"Yes they are" -ILI
miscommunication on what the word crazy means. Results in socially offended ESE, ILI who thinks ESE is stupid. ILI is talking about what is on the inside of people, as being crazy. ESE is thinking of crazy in terms of behavior.

All excellent examples.
i agree... very awesome descriptions... especially the whole thank you think and speaking logically... i live with all alphas and this is a constant issue in communication. thanks crazedrat!