Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
I'm not interested in Lytov's take on socionics. I'm interested in what Augusta herself said.
In that case you are a ... you know the word. It starts with an "r".

Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
All I said is that you shouldn't get rid of dichotomy's to quickly.
Why not? Otherwise you end up typing by both functions and dichotomies, and then it's just another MBTT.
Which proves that you have managed to get the basics all wrong, despite my warnings not to let them fool you. When shall you start to think critically? When will you grasp the fundamentals? You are still young, I know, but there are some limits to how stupid one can be. Socionis is based on the four dichotomies. First you type by dichotomies, then you understand by functions. Get it?