Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
When you are disagreeing with what we say, you are also disagreeing with for example, Dmitri Lytov and many others of the most well-known socionists. And that's very irritating, because neither you nor anyone else seem to have the courage to criticize him. The only fairly well-known socionist that I have seen beeing openly criticized and implicitly called incompetent is Sergei Ganin. And also in his case the critique seems to be almost totally unfounded.
I'm not interested in Lytov's take on socionics. I'm interested in what Augusta herself said.

Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
All I said is that you shouldn't get rid of dichotomy's to quickly.
Why not? Otherwise you end up typing by both functions and dichotomies, and then it's just another MBTT.

Do you have many friends?
What does that have to do with anything?

Calling me retard is such a lousy comment, only to evade the ongoing discussion or try to win it in a wimp sort of way.
There's nothing wimpy about it, it's just not intellectually simulating.