Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
He's self-aggrandising to the point of tedium (as are you) and is not open-minded or willing to accept the fucking facts in a factual situation. You're so wrapped up in your little systems and explanations that you can't see the fucking simple truth right in front of your eyes.
The fact is that both Jarno and I are saying uncontroversial things. It's actually quite incomprehensible that people are questioning them, because that must mean that they don't read basic articles on Socionics. Nothing in what we say is in clear disagreement with Socionics as that theory is described by leading Socionists.

When you are disagreeing with what we say, you are also disagreeing with for example, Dmitri Lytov and many others of the most well-known socionists. And that's very irritating, because neither you nor anyone else seem to have the courage to criticize him. The only fairly well-known socionist that I have seen beeing openly criticized and implicitly called incompetent is Sergei Ganin. And also in his case the critique seems to be almost totally unfounded.