I would not agree with typing of some of the celebreties i had look on this site - my personal feeling. As regards to Madonna, i thought originally that she is ESTP but changed my mind after watching the last film about what she does now and how expressive she actually is in her feeling. She is too open too direct about what she thinks and feels and doesn't give a damn about what others may think. This makes her powerful in feeling expression. She talks to people and uses close distance: hugs, tears and poems. On the other hand, she is extremly sensual women and pretty mush powerful. She said she has a huge EGO - this is something which is characteristic of Napoleons ESFP. On the other hand, I know GUGO types ESFJ who are also self centred.

I also thought that Britny Spears is ESFP. ESFPs are more sensitive copared to ESFJ, because they are afraid to be perceived as stupid due to their weak function. Madonna on the other hand talk about kaballa and what ever she wants and is not afraid to look stupid as if she feels clever enough to be anyway. Which is ok for ESFJ ( - the forth function is compared to be strong enough by Ganin to make a war to the first/base one ). It is Madonna' emotional as opposed to sensual side which comes to express itself as a very powerful. If she would be an ESTP - she could not do it because it is ESTP's weakest function - which we suppose to use the least.