Okay, this is my first post here.

I'm not too sure of what I'm looking to ask, maybe because I'm a little overexcited to be here. Why? I ask myself, and the answer is, ever since I got into Socionics I've wanted to find some SEEs or other Gammas, online or off. Funny that I'd been coming here so long and only semi-seriously considered joining.


Elsewhere on the Internet I've built quite a reputation for getting people upset. Not a big one, mind, but I've noticed I am certainly not welcome in certain contexts.

Not that I care, but I want to understand this.

Kind of hard to describe exactly what i'm trying to get at, so I'll ask a simple question.

To the other ILIs, tell me, what would be the overall result if you were trapped in a crowded room with no doors, it is a mix of Alphas and Betas, maybe some Deltas, and you are the sole Gamma present. They are all in debate about the correct way to get out. You know that if they would all just shut up for fifteen minutes, the door will magically reappear. What do you do, and how do you predict the collective mass will respond?