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Thread: What Fi feels like

  1. #1
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default What Fi feels like

    Please describe how Fi feels to YOU, personally. Not what you see in others, but how it's used in YOUR own information metabolism.

    What Fi feels like to me:

    Imagine you're holding two magnets, one in each hand.
    Try pushing them together and you get two basic results (scientists don’t get technical on me's just a simple analogy):

    a) The magnets are repulsed by each other.
    The magnets refuse to be pushed together, the closer you bring them together, the more force you feel trying to push them away. They just refuse to connect.

    b) They are attracted to each other.
    The magnets pull each other closer, and the closer they are, the stronger the force that pulls them together. Depending on the magnet size and strength, it may be very difficult to disconnect them.

    The above holds true for me in many ways.
    Whether or not I'm attracted/repulsed by something in my environment, a thought, a feeling, an ideal, a piece of information, etc.
    Sometimes the pull is stronger than other pulls, sometimes the repulsion is weaker than other repulsions.
    This is how I maneuver around and process information.

    When I attempt to empathize with someone, I try to find out what they themselves are attracted to and repulsed by, and what of those items are in their environment in a given situation. Then I step into their shoes, trying to see what it would be like to like/dislike those items while having them in my environment. Given the person's preference for certain behaviors or moving towards/away from a given item...what actions might be left open to them for maneuvering? or for solving a problem?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  2. #2


    so Fi is about the rules that magnets follow?

    sorry me=asshole today

  3. #3
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    You leave a lot of room open for misinterpretation. What if somebody starts describing how they "feel about rules"?

    I am saddened because I don't know what is to being with .

    And a question, can types actively alter the polarity of the magnet, weaken of strengthen the connection?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    so Fi is about the rules that magnets follow?

    sorry me=asshole today
    ME happy now because ME now understand !

    me=asshole as well today

  5. #5
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    so Fi is about the rules that magnets follow?

    sorry me=asshole today
    Seems like long as you don't get scientific about it..cuz the analogy can only go so far i think.

    btw, i added to the original post
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  6. #6
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    You leave a lot of room open for misinterpretation. What if somebody starts describing how they "feel about rules"?

    I am saddened because I don't know what is to being with .

    And a question, can types actively alter the polarity of the magnet, weaken of strengthen the connection?
    as long as they stick to the Fi basic definition of "attraction/repulsion" then they can talk about the rules they themselves prefer/establish/push. After all, a person can be attracted and repulsed by various rules and types of rules as well as objects, etc.

    As far as my experience tells me, (and this coming from stories from other Fi types I've known irl)...
    An Fi can alter an attraction/repulsion to an object(whatever) IF they have an overall desired force. (edit: this was a funky sentence..didn't know how to state the thought, sorry)
    For example, I love chocolate. I love cake. Chocolate cake gets a double whammy of attraction because it is both chocolate..and cake.

    However, I've been trying to avoid breaded goods (this includes cake) because of the negative effects I run into when I eat most grained goods. So now chocolate cake has two draws, and one repulsion...the total strength of each leads to the overall push/pull effect.

    As time goes on, and breaded goods even more negatively affect my body, I start to feel sick when I eat chocolate cake. This serves to increase the repulsion affects. Enough that the repulsion is slightly higher than the attraction. Unfortunately, the habit of wanting chocolate cake serves to even out the amount of push/pull.

    So I make a decision, I want to stop eating chocolate cake. This means I either have to create a stronger repulsion to it...or find a stronger attraction.

    When I decided to reduce the amount of breaded goods in my meals, I chose to replace them with fruits/vegetables. I also did not decide to give up chocolate as the draw to that is too high. So now, when I begin craving chocolate cake, I can eat a portion of good (not cheap) chocolate instead, and thus get the chocolate craving satisfied, without eating the chocolate cake. Over time, the desire for chocolate cake naturally decreased. The attraction to it is lessened.

    (Note: however, there are times when I desperately want the feel of the texture of cake/bread, in which case I may decide to get a very very small portion of a breaded good that will give me the texture I'm craving.)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.

  8. #8
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.
    what about it says Fi polr?
    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  9. #9
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy
    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.
    what about it says Fi polr?
    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    I think he was referring to dee, not you. :wink:
    except that somehow he's convinced himself that i'm entp
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy
    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.
    what about it says Fi polr?
    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    I think he was referring to dee, not you. :wink:
    no, i was definitely not talking about dee. does he think he's Fi now? i don't know; i have him on ignore and rarely bother to look at his posts at all.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    You leave a lot of room open for misinterpretation. What if somebody starts describing how they "feel about rules"?

    I am saddened because I don't know what is to being with .

    And a question, can types actively alter the polarity of the magnet, weaken of strengthen the connection?
    as long as they stick to the Fi basic definition of "attraction/repulsion" then they can talk about the rules they themselves prefer/establish/push. After all, a person can be attracted and repulsed by various rules and types of rules as well as objects, etc.

    As far as my experience tells me, (and this coming from stories from other Fi types I've known irl)...
    An Fi can alter an attraction/repulsion to an object(whatever) IF they have an overall desired force. (edit: this was a funky sentence..didn't know how to state the thought, sorry)
    For example, I love chocolate. I love cake. Chocolate cake gets a double whammy of attraction because it is both chocolate..and cake.

    However, I've been trying to avoid breaded goods (this includes cake) because of the negative effects I run into when I eat most grained goods. So now chocolate cake has two draws, and one repulsion...the total strength of each leads to the overall push/pull effect.

    As time goes on, and breaded goods even more negatively affect my body, I start to feel sick when I eat chocolate cake. This serves to increase the repulsion affects. Enough that the repulsion is slightly higher than the attraction. Unfortunately, the habit of wanting chocolate cake serves to even out the amount of push/pull.

    So I make a decision, I want to stop eating chocolate cake. This means I either have to create a stronger repulsion to it...or find a stronger attraction.

    When I decided to reduce the amount of breaded goods in my meals, I chose to replace them with fruits/vegetables. I also did not decide to give up chocolate as the draw to that is too high. So now, when I begin craving chocolate cake, I can eat a portion of good (not cheap) chocolate instead, and thus get the chocolate craving satisfied, without eating the chocolate cake. Over time, the desire for chocolate cake naturally decreased. The attraction to it is lessened.

    (Note: however, there are times when I desperately want the feel of the texture of cake/bread, in which case I may decide to get a very very small portion of a breaded good that will give me the texture I'm craving.)
    Hmm, I'm starting to get a picture of what you are trying to say. Well, for me the attraction/repulsion thing is unconscious. In fact, I've been wondering about it's source for some time now. Just before important tasks my state of mind alters, shifts in a state that enables me to perform the task. Like for example two days before a big test previously leisurely activities become highly repugnant, even to just think about, and my eating, sleeping functions change. And all of this is done unconsciously. As if my entire self perception is being altered in some way to arrange for me to carry out my task. As if the mountains are being moved in the way of as failing that test is *out* *of* *the* *question* (Catastrophe is an understatement in terms of future potential). Would this be an example of altering the inherent attraction repulsion you are talking about, or how would manifest for me?

  12. #12
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Hmm, I'm starting to get a picture of what you are trying to say. Well, for me the attraction/repulsion thing is unconscious. In fact, I've been wondering about it's source for some time now. Just before important tasks my state of mind alters, shifts in a state that enables me to perform the task. Like for example two days before a big test previously leisurely activities become highly repugnant, even to just think about, and my eating, sleeping functions change. And all of this is done unconsciously. As if my entire self perception is being altered in some way to arrange for me to carry out my task. As if the mountains are being moved in the way of as failing that test is *out* *of* *the* *question* (Catastrophe is an understatement in terms of future potential). Would this be an example of altering the inherent attraction repulsion you are talking about, or how would manifest for me?
    Only you can answer if that's how it manifests in yourself. But it seems like it's a good example for/from you.
    Reading what you wrote, it'd be easy to reinterpret it as something like....
    Somewhere within you there is a stronger pull to pass the test than to do the leisure activities. But then that sentence gets thrown off when you say that the leisure activities become highly repugnant.

    Normally, if you were talking about a specific situation, I would be asking questions such as what activities were you doing prior to needing to study for the test, and I would try to find out the extent of how much you like or habitually do those activities. As well as try to find out why this test is so important to you. It's a way of weighing where you are in relation to the activities and the studying, etc.

    (lol, and I would likely show signs of confusion as you talk about future that's not normally a strong thought in my head...yet you seem to place great weight on it) (not saying it's wrong, only that it's a train of thought I'm unaccustomed to following, and so would likely get lost during my attempts)

    It could definitely be a good example of Fi altering (situationally at least), imo.
    But there could also be other ways of explaining it...(though I would see the Fi as more likely).
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.
    what about it says Fi polr?
    i don't know that it says anything about Fi polr particularly, but it suggests Ti to me. in short, most of the conceptions of Fi that i've gotten from you revolve around crap like this which has to do with vague characteristics of objects. the idea of Fi causing repulsion and attraction to, for example, something like chocolate cake, does not make any sense in the context of Fi (at least as i understand it). you don't demonstrate any understanding of Fi in terms of the areas of trust, compassion, friendship, etc. Fi is not directly about liking or disliking things, per se, particularly when you referencing an inanimate object like chocolate cake. comparing you to rick (with whom i briefly discussed your type in new york), he was always talking about the way that other people interact. the keynote sort of phrase that i remember is that when somebody would say something like "i don't get along with person X," he would basically comment that saying "i don't get along with X" is not at all sufficient information through which to get an understanding of the situation. on the wiki, he made some edits to the IEE domain page that talked about his attunement into the way that other people act; this is the sort of thing that you don't really demonstrate at all.

    the scenario in particular about liking or not liking chocolate cake has nothing to do Fi at all. it is stimulus/response (combined with poor Si) that eating an excessive amount of chocolate cake will cause you to not want to eat any more chocolate cake. this would happen to anyone at all; you don't have to be an Fi type to greatly prefer eating chocolate cake to eating something else, or, to use your wonderfully appropriate terminology, to "like" chocolate cake (this should be extremely obvious).

    there's an obvious amount of systematized thinking even in creating a model like this; that's where i get the Ti from. this is nothing new at all; you've made millions of such models, many of which are complex enough to make my head hurt. this is actually kind of misleading, because i think that these are less definitive than i might be making them out to be, but, honestly: how many other Fi types do you see doing this?

    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    i don't know what threads you're referring to.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Hmm, I'm starting to get a picture of what you are trying to say. Well, for me the attraction/repulsion thing is unconscious. In fact, I've been wondering about it's source for some time now. Just before important tasks my state of mind alters, shifts in a state that enables me to perform the task. Like for example two days before a big test previously leisurely activities become highly repugnant, even to just think about, and my eating, sleeping functions change. And all of this is done unconsciously. As if my entire self perception is being altered in some way to arrange for me to carry out my task. As if the mountains are being moved in the way of as failing that test is *out* *of* *the* *question* (Catastrophe is an understatement in terms of future potential). Would this be an example of altering the inherent attraction repulsion you are talking about, or how would manifest for me?
    Only you can answer if that's how it manifests in yourself. But it seems like it's a good example for/from you.
    Reading what you wrote, it'd be easy to reinterpret it as something like....
    Somewhere within you there is a stronger pull to pass the test than to do the leisure activities. But then that sentence gets thrown off when you say that the leisure activities become highly repugnant.
    Well for the time being. The second "the danger has passed" everything is back to normal.

    Normally, if you were talking about a specific situation, I would be asking questions such as what activities were you doing prior to needing to study for the test, and I would try to find out the extent of how much you like or habitually do those activities. As well as try to find out why this test is so important to you. It's a way of weighing where you are in relation to the activities and the studying, etc.
    And I wouldn't know how to answer you. I have no relations to these things, they merely exist. I do them because of the effect they carry, the sensations they cause. The test and the leisure activities.

    (lol, and I would likely show signs of confusion as you talk about future that's not normally a strong thought in my head...yet you seem to place great weight on it) (not saying it's wrong, only that it's a train of thought I'm unaccustomed to following, and so would likely get lost during my attempts)
    No weight but natural awareness. Again, I'm aware of this without realizing it. I naturally chose actions that maximize the existence of my desired state of existence (If that makes any sense). I don't think over it, make decisions, it just happens/is.

    It could definitely be a good example of Fi altering (situationally at least), imo.
    But there could also be other ways of explaining it...(though I would see the Fi as more likely).
    Perhaps a renin trait.

  15. #15
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it's precisely shit like this that have me convinced that you're not any kind of Fi type.
    what about it says Fi polr?
    i don't know that it says anything about Fi polr particularly, but it suggests Ti to me. in short, most of the conceptions of Fi that i've gotten from you revolve around crap like this which has to do with vague characteristics of objects. the idea of Fi causing repulsion and attraction to, for example, something like chocolate cake, does not make any sense in the context of Fi (at least as i understand it). you don't demonstrate any understanding of Fi in terms of the areas of trust, compassion, friendship, etc. Fi is not directly about liking or disliking things, per se, particularly when you referencing an inanimate object like chocolate cake. comparing you to rick (with whom i briefly discussed your type in new york), he was always talking about the way that other people interact. the keynote sort of phrase that i remember is that when somebody would say something like "i don't get along with person X," he would basically comment that saying "i don't get along with X" is not at all sufficient information through which to get an understanding of the situation. on the wiki, he made some edits to the IEE domain page that talked about his attunement into the way that other people act; this is the sort of thing that you don't really demonstrate at all.

    the scenario in particular about liking or not liking chocolate cake has nothing to do Fi at all. it is stimulus/response (combined with poor Si) that eating an excessive amount of chocolate cake will cause you to not want to eat any more chocolate cake. this would happen to anyone at all; you don't have to be an Fi type to greatly prefer eating chocolate cake to eating something else, or, to use your wonderfully appropriate terminology, to "like" chocolate cake (this should be extremely obvious).

    there's an obvious amount of systematized thinking even in creating a model like this; that's where i get the Ti from. this is nothing new at all; you've made millions of such models, many of which are complex enough to make my head hurt. this is actually kind of misleading, because i think that these are less definitive than i might be making them out to be, but, honestly: how many other Fi types do you see doing this?
    There's only been two "models". One was to try to understand the information aspects that make up the functions. The other was to get a visual of how the types relate to each other since I couldn't understand the model A makeup, and the interactions unless I had a visual to orient myself. Anything else has been merely quoting sources, such as Rick's site, or describing parts of my life and my social/family/job interactions. (do a search of posts done by me in the delta area of the forum)

    I'm not the only Fi type who's tried to explain that Fi isn't JUST about people.
    The chocolate cake example was just a very simple example that came immediately to mind. Besides, I only talked about chocolate cake in one post of this thread. What about the empathizing part of the first post says "Not Fi" to you?

    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    i don't know what threads you're referring to.
    Most recent threads where Fi was discussed: My posts began on page 2. My posts began on page 16.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise

    There's only been two "models". One was to try to understand the information aspects that make up the functions. The other was to get a visual of how the types relate to each other since I couldn't understand the model A makeup, and the interactions unless I had a visual to orient myself. Anything else has been merely quoting sources, such as Rick's site, or describing parts of my life and my social/family/job interactions. (do a search of posts done by me in the delta area of the forum)
    there's been far more than that. we might be off on what constitutes a model, but i'm using the term (in your case, anyway) to denote any kind of systematic-ish, very complicated set of patterns as to the way that something "must be."

    I'm not the only Fi type who's tried to explain that Fi isn't JUST about people.
    The chocolate cake example was just a very simple example that came immediately to mind. Besides, I only talked about chocolate cake in one post of this thread.
    Fi isn't JUST about people, but it is about people. yours doesn't really seem to be about people at all.

    edit: i shouldn't say not at all, but it seems to me to be a more "justice be served" emphasis that doesn't really deal with personal relations, and it also seems to less well-grounded than the more Ti-related approaches of clarity and understanding. clearly, you don't define yourself by Ti the way that LIIs might, but that doesn't exempt you.

    What about the empathizing part of the first post says "Not Fi" to you?
    other than the word empathize, it talks exclusively about your repulsive/attractive model. so, all of it.

    what about what i said in the other two threads that talk about Fi suggests I'm Fi polr (particularly considering other Fi types were saying the same thing) ?
    i don't know what threads you're referring to.
    Most recent threads where Fi was discussed: My posts began on page 2. My posts began on page 16.[/quote]

    i'll try to motivate myself to look at them. if i manage to do that i'll start a new thread about it sometime in the near future, or if you would prefer pms say so.

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    hm.. how is it different than what joy does? I could try to use my polr with concentrated effort but still be INTj.

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    hm.. how is it different than what joy does? I could try to use my polr with concentrated effort but still be INTj.
    are you talking about anndelise's models?

  20. #20

    Default Re: What Fi feels like


  21. #21
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2
    rofl + interesting article = 4 pts
    your notation is incorrect. the correct notation is

    rofl + interesting article = +4
    see [web:f549e097f1][/web:f549e097f1] for more details.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Thanks fer learnin me that. I feel smert now.
    Moonlight will fall
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  24. #24



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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    hm.. how is it different than what joy does? I could try to use my polr with concentrated effort but still be INTj.
    are you talking about anndelise's models?
    I think I'm talking about saying "how things are" with reference to the information elements and things like the axes, which are theoretical in nature. I too don't remember a million models. I also think it might be the Ne that is striking you as an abstractness you attribute to Ti types since it is "internal" to the object (which could appear vague)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    hm.. how is it different than what joy does? I could try to use my polr with concentrated effort but still be INTj.
    are you talking about anndelise's models?
    I think I'm talking about saying "how things are" with reference to the information elements and things like the axes, which are theoretical in nature. I too don't remember a million models. I also think it might be the Ne that is striking you as an abstractness you attribute to Ti types since it is "internal" to the object (which could appear vague)
    i don't understand what you're asking. what does that have to do with joy?

  27. #27



  28. #28


    lol drink more beer Diana... I want to see what you're like drunk posting

  29. #29



  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    lol drink more beer Diana... I want to see what you're like drunk posting
    I've posted drunk before. Here's one time. I'm the guest posting on Thursday the 29th.
    that's not very entertaining...

    I want to see you posting lamp-shade-on-the-head drunk

  31. #31



  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I'm not a very funny drunk. I've posted so drunk in the chatroom before that I was puking between sentences. I don't think anyone noticed. Mostly when I'm drunk I just think about how I'd like to get laid. In proper circumstances I begin losing clothing.
    forget the forum... I need video

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