I'm not like that in any shape or form.

First, I don't like sports, or better put, I don't like watching at them. And I don't have many (if any) interests that withdraw me from my people to that level. I often plan my time according to how much time I'm going to spend with my family and the few (true) friends I have.

For example, I've been spending a lot of time with my ISFp friend lately and sometimes I must tell her that I don't spend enough time with my family and that I will be out of reach for a while. That's maybe the only valuable thing I've learned with socionics: to stop wasting time with people that couldn't care less about it and spend my time with the people who really loves me. And you couldn't believe how that simple concept has improved my life so much.

In any case, you're putting too much weight into the type. I'm ENFp and by no means irresponsible. I sincerely forget many things because my attention span is rather short, but somehow I manage to keep in mind the important things. I try to follow trough my promises and to keep my word.