Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
Actually, autism is more related to E4 than E5...
No. Definitely not.
Let's do a demonstration to prove that E4 if the most "autistic" type.

Some people confuse E4 with E5 or E9.

Some ILI are E9, this is true, but they are mostly E4.

E5 are caracterised by anxiety (i.e. high level of norepinephrin). ILI, as irrational types, aren't really likely to be "anxious". (Intuitive Rational types are the most "anxious" ones)

I know E5 people that are : LII, ILE, EII, and SLI (mostly what Pavlov calls the "Strong type")
I know E4 people that are : SEI, IEI, and ILI (mostly what Pavlov calls the "Weak type")

I know lots of ILI-4 people, but not a single ILI-5 dude/girl.

E4 have the lowest level of neurotransmitters. Autism is strongly related to that.

Therefore, yes. E4 is the most autistic type.

That DOES NOT mean E4=autistic=E4. That just means E4 is the most correlated to autism, because of lack of neural activity.

And I didn't invent the Strong/Weak type theory. Pavlov invented it decades earlier. If he had known enneagram, he could say "E5 is strong, E4 is weak".