
Your airport scenario is very interesting in that it's a good example of recurring situations I have had with LSI and been frustrated with him at his stubbornness to change plans mid-stream. To me it has always felt irrational and inefficient. The scenarios are like the one you describe above in which I think ahead and invariably envision saving useless down time or variations on that theme. But, now looking at this with a fresh view, I think the LSI might be wiser in a lot of these cases.

I haven't sorted out why, functionally yet. But to me it seems it might have something to do with having a concrete contingency with plan A. Switching to a random plan B brings in all kinds of possible ramifications that haven't been dealt with and accounted for. Whereas plan A, all of those have been thought out and dealt with. Switching gears throws a wrench in it and not always for the better. I see it as sometimes sticking to the schedule can save headaches down the road.