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Thread: Offensive description of EII

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    machintruc's Avatar
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    Default Offensive description of EII

    Offensive description of EII :

    I can't really bear EII. They're narrow-minded and always want to be right. They usually aren't as empathetic as described. Empathy is really a thing.

    EII are normative and perfectionistic bureaucrats (they even have LSI-like behaviour). In leadership situations, they prevent initiative and risk-taking. They are usually shy, unassertive and avoidant (especially women). They may become aggressive when dealing with people they don't like.

    When asked to express their opinion about something, they will answer very conformistic (because of weak ) and hippie-like things.

    EII are usually stone-hearted and misanthropic. They may appear expressive (especially women), but says the same things all the time, like a tape recorder.

    Some anecdotes :

    - One day, a male EII teacher went to my house to give me a 90mn course, as planned. When those 90mn were elapsed, he said "We'll see nexy week, same day, hour" or something. But he never came back. Why didn't he say that he wouldn't come back ? I wouldn't be going to harm him !

    - One day, I made a compliment to a female EII for her artistic works. She said "thank you" and then I said back : "I don't that often hear you say 'thank you'" in fact, I should have said that she was somewhat cold-hearted in private.

    - One day, an EII girl has had the boldness to say that I'm a lazy do-nothing. That's true ; but saying that like she did sounded so disrespectful to me that I tried to throw her out (physically).

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    All I've learned from your anecdotes is that you are a complete ass.
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    Default Re: Offensive description of EII

    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    - One day, an EII girl has had the boldness to say that I'm a lazy do-nothing. That's true ; but saying that like she did sounded so disrespectful to me that I tried to throw her out (physically).
    One day, an overprotective LSE stomps you into the ground (while of course not trying to hide it from the EII, yet not trying to make a huge scene about it, but then again, she'll find out sooner or later because it's not something the LSE is/can really hide). The EIIs might get a little upset at the LSE, but it eventually earns mega brownie points, and then the EII and LSE fall in love deeply forever and then have great, great sex.

    So I suppose you play your part in all of this, LII machintruc. It all works out in the end.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I wasn't going to write in this thread at all since it's a waste of time; only for the sake that some people might actually generalize behaviors of a type if it gets ignored, though I personally could care less.

    I don't see the "connection" between having a type and people who also have the same type, in terms of "what's it to me" if another did something.

    Carla Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:58 am Post subject: Re: Offensive description of EII


    machintruc wrote:
    Offensive description of EII:

    I can't really bear EII. They're narrow-minded and always want to be right. They usually aren't as empathetic as described. Empathy is really a thing.

    EII are normative and perfectionistic bureaucrats (they even have LSI-like behaviour). In leadership situations, they prevent initiative and risk-taking. They are usually shy, unassertive and avoidant (especially women). They may become aggressive when dealing with people they don't like.

    When asked to express their opinion about something, they will answer very conformistic (because of weak ) and hippie-like things.

    EII are usually stone-hearted and misanthropic. They may appear expressive (especially women), but says the same things all the time, like a tape recorder.
    This is an extremely harsh description ... but I'm guilty to admit, there are elements of truth in this regarding (the negative side of) how INFjs sometimes can come across to me too. I think it's completely natural though ... it's to be expected from the Ti/Fi clash. In many other ways, I think INTjs and INFjs find common ground to get along.

    But yeah, I find that in real-life, I get on with ESTjs far better than I do with INFjs.

    So how do INFjs view INTjs?
    What he wrote isn't harsh at all, it's just false. I strongly believe that conflict is caused by lack of understanding. Things that come across and what is actually true may have no direct correlation whatsoever. You also don't have to ask how INFJ's view INTj's out of fairness, or it might have been out of curiosity. In any case, I will keep my perceptions to myself, since they are not general.

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    In all honesty it is understandable as to why an LII would feel that way, be it negatively so.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offensive description of EII

    Quote Originally Posted by Carla
    In many other ways, I think INTjs and INFjs find common ground to get along.

    But yeah, I find that in real-life, I get on with ESTjs far better than I do with INFjs.

    So how do INFjs view INTjs?
    My twin brother is an INTj and we are very close. We confide in each other to a degree, usually when he gets creative intellectually and comes up with all sorts of wild ideas I'd never considered. Whenever I have a question about something along those lines, he's always the first person I turn to and I'm usually pleasantly surprised by all the ideas, comments, or questions he is able to come up with. In a way, it kind of keeps me on the ball, though I remember times when we were younger when I would accuse him of being unrealistic or OVERLY imaginative just to throw kinks in the system. Still, of all the people I know, I respect him the most and he is the smartest man I know, for sure. In many ways, I admire his ability to keep his own perspective on things, no matter what other people say. I only hope that I have as much to offer him as he does to me. I just want him to be happy. He certainly deserves it.
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  8. #8
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offensive description of EII

    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Offensive description of EII :

    I can't really bear EII. They're narrow-minded and always want to be right. They usually aren't as empathetic as described. Empathy is really a thing.

    EII are normative and perfectionistic bureaucrats (they even have LSI-like behaviour). In leadership situations, they prevent initiative and risk-taking. They are usually shy, unassertive and avoidant (especially women). They may become aggressive when dealing with people they don't like.

    When asked to express their opinion about something, they will answer very conformistic (because of weak ) and hippie-like things.

    EII are usually stone-hearted and misanthropic. They may appear expressive (especially women), but says the same things all the time, like a tape recorder.

    Some anecdotes :

    - One day, a male EII teacher went to my house to give me a 90mn course, as planned. When those 90mn were elapsed, he said "We'll see nexy week, same day, hour" or something. But he never came back. Why didn't he say that he wouldn't come back ? I wouldn't be going to harm him !

    - One day, I made a compliment to a female EII for her artistic works. She said "thank you" and then I said back : "I don't that often hear you say 'thank you'" in fact, I should have said that she was somewhat cold-hearted in private.

    - One day, an EII girl has had the boldness to say that I'm a lazy do-nothing. That's true ; but saying that like she did sounded so disrespectful to me that I tried to throw her out (physically).
    Doesn't every type have its own worst instincts? It's always secretly bothered me that we all seem so quick to judge and so eager to withhold the benefit of the doubt from each other. I'm as guilty of this as anyone, but when do we take a look at what we're doing and realize that we're selling each other short when this is all we allow ourselves to see? In many ways, I wonder if this isn't the source of so many of our misunderstandings. Each of us only holds a piece of the truth, yet we continually seem to judge ourselves objective as if the puzzle were already solved! Can't we be patient and humble enough to see in each other what is missing in our own selves? I want to understand you, Machintruc, I truly do, almost as much as I want to be understood myself. I just think that we (especially on this forum) don't try hard enough for one another. I hope you hear these words as I'm trying to hear yours.
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  9. #9
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    But these "observations" are false. If they're not made up out of whole cloth in an attempt to be funny, then the poster is just sadly ignorant. These statements cannot be responded to because they are not reality. And you EIIs who are so quick to point the finger at yourselves and search for the element of truth....stop it I say. We gotta stop letting people put us down. I mean, people are gonna do what they're gonna do, but we don't have to bend over backwards in the face of the most ridiculous assertions.
    That's why I think it's good sometimes to discuss the Ti versus the Fi view of the world ... to sort out the misunderstandings.
    That doesn't happen in threads like this. And why don't the people who want more understanding try to behave like understanding people? I don't buy that machintruc wants understanding and communication, otherwise why would he have posted it like this? It's just to get a rise (if he's joking) or to vent crazily. Either way, there will be no understanding. I'm getting sick of all of the venting about other types. When does the growing up happen? When does the understanding occur?
    4w5, sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle
    But these "observations" are false. If they're not made up out of whole cloth in an attempt to be funny, then the poster is just sadly ignorant.
    You will have been warned : topic's name is : "OFFENSIVE description of EII".

    For most Alphas, offensive descriptions are funny.

  11. #11
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    I agree with the description completely.

    A girl said to me, goodby and we'll meet again SOON.

    Never heared from her again.

    The annoying thing with INFJ is that they try to control the planning in a sneaky kind of way.
    They are also very boring because of their choices for activity's and their structure in their life.

    I have to admit, they have a nice sense of humor.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
    I agree with the description completely.

    A girl said to me, goodby and we'll meet again SOON.

    Never heared from her again.
    Yeah, that is one thing I am not a fan of either.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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  13. #13
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    You will have been warned : topic's name is : "OFFENSIVE description of EII".
    It's not a description of EIIs, offensive or not. It's no more a description than "EIIs suck, because they want to make everybody eat venison". A non-sequiter, and not funny. Good humor has an element of truth.

    Since it is not a description of EIIs, but it is intended to offend them, then I have the following reaction:

    1. I am not offended by the things you said about EIIs, since they aren't remotely true. And if they were true, then I wouldn't be offended, because truth does not offend me.

    2. On the other hand, I am offended by your animosity and your attempt to hurt people. Offending people on purpose is a form of attack. Your intentions are offensive to me, more so than anything you said.

    My choice was to say nothing, or voice my opinion. I choose the latter, because I've gone away and said nothing far too often. And why should I have to?

    For most Alphas, offensive descriptions are funny.
    So? It isn't funny because it contains no truth at all. Not because it is offensive. I'm not gonna bet money that you'll understand what I'm saying, but I'll say it anyway.
    4w5, sp/sx

  14. #14
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    I love to hear you EIIs get all pissed off. Its kinda hot

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    +very slow to react

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    they only mad about the cold hearted because it's an F type. "I bought an EII and it came with no empathy, I want my money back."

  17. #17
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Well, to expect Fi being polite is like expecting Fe to be serious. In fact, Fi is as cold as humanity can be albeit, they can also be "friendly".

    Dating an EII is never something where you should expect them to be nice, polite and cheerful - they can also be stern, sometimes scary especially when you, as a partner, trigger their emotions. However, the best thing is when you teach them one or two things - they can be very (I mean, very) obedient to any lessons you give, no matter how difficult, since they love to learn, or maybe it's just the Ti role thing.

    Well, the descriptions are accurate though.
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    I took this seriously and then realized that it was probably a joke. You got me.
    Last edited by Clarke; 10-01-2022 at 09:48 AM.

  19. #19


    If "most alphas find these kinds of offensive things funny," why aren't there any comments from alphas laughing? Or anyone else either, really. Seems like only OP is laughing.

    Also, this thread is super old.

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    They hate us because they ain't us.

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    I agree with this generally. I know so many EIIs irl that are exactly like what the poster from 2007 said.

    But I like @Claudius even tho he's EII. <3 Well he seems to use Fe in a cool way and like he doesn't have a stick up his ass all the time, even if he doesn't value it.

    I think there is a lot of health in not ignoring your ignoring function. Maybe that's what it's all about. A SLE would have Si ignoring, meaning they need to stop being an asshole and start paying attention to other person's comfort levels. LIEs have Ti ignoring, so they should stop being an asshole and realize categories and logical definitions are important and valid and not just some whimsical stepping stone used to fuck people over. What possibly could happen isn't necessarily disconnected to reality or what could really happen- real world bad-ass Ne doesn't actually work that way, so an IEI misunderstanding Ne is also annoying.

    Don't mind me y'all. I'm just responding to threads cuz I want to get my post count to 14,000.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    A SLE would have Si ignoring, meaning they need to stop being an asshole and start paying attention to other person's comfort levels.
    Emotional comfort is more Fe (emotional atmosphere), not Si. Si is physical, bodily comforts.

    This info is stolen from School of Socionics or whatever it's called. Big green and white site.

  23. #23
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    What I notice very much about them is passive competition.

    With individuals who prove to be too strong and powerful they behave like respectful little lambs. On the other hand, a person who treats EIIs well and compliments them is seen by them as a person who does it because he feels inferior to him, not just because the other tries to be polite, therefore a competitive mechanism is triggered, because the EIIs catch the opportunity to demonstrate his strenght.

    Ironically, he demonstrates its strength against those who are not aggressive in the first instance, precisely because with a strong person it would be impossible to do so, or just dangerous. This is due to Se PolR.

    A person with whom he feels being "inferior" can do what he wants without getting judgment (if he does these things with people the EII is not interested in) or being complained, but if a so-called equal-inferior (according to him) has the courage to do something (talk to girls, find a good job, etc.) he will receive passive aggressive treatment, because according to him it is as if he is trying to prevail or escape that impression of "equality" or hierarchy the EII created, while the other person is just living his life. This because the EII is not ambitious in general, but is still competitive.

    They are good people, but the thing I hate is that to be friends with them it is better not to compliment them. Both because you give them self-esteem and permission to be treated inferior more and more, and because you don't get anything out of it.

    Some of my experiences with very close EII friends.

    There was this EII with whom I had a great friendship for years. He was a very bad simp for a girl for 2 years, until she trashed him (they never got together in relationship).
    At the same time when I was hitting on girls he would tell me "How dare you try it with girls. You only have to try when you're 100% sure they like you."
    My answer was "and when will I ever know? And above all, why do you tell me this when you were 2 years waiting for a girl who then didn't want you? It seems selfish to say it to me". And he replied "My case was different, you can compare our experiences! ".
    And that's what I hate most about EIIs. This damned vision of one's own experiences as gold, compared to those of others who are considered manure.

    I hoped it was an isolated case, but literally the next year I received the same words from as many as 2 EIIs in similar circumstances.

    Another case relates to compliments.
    There this EII. Me and other friends make him compliments to him, because it happens when you try to support a friend. They are not fake compliments. We associate him to actors that 10% resemble, but obviously does not have the same charm at all (he is quite ugly). But he swells with self-esteem, as if he believed he is exactly like that actor. In itself, that's a good thing about EIIs. We all need self confidence.

    The problem? He does not make the slightest compliment and indeed try to undermine any objectivity when it comes to these people he considers equal/inferior with which he is competing.
    All his female friends consider me a beautiful guy (because I just am, for those who have eyes) and a lot of girls flirt with me, and in general I don't even brag about it.
    Well, I receive insults and I am continually belittled by the EII. When they associate me with someone I really look like, his facial expression became preoccupied and enraged and says things like "mmh, I can't see it" while looking like having an heart attack. His passive competition towards me is obvious to everyone and an amateur meme of our group. It's not something I care too much about (being similiar to actors ecc) because I know who I am an my value, but it pisses me off how much he cares about these bullshit while having zero ambition on serious sh1t.
    Another EII I know is literally physically scary, but he is very good and friendly. The only flaw is its exasperated mythomania. Again, they are good people, but it takes too much work to make things work.

    I think the best EIIs are women. They usually have more experience which allows them to see objectivity in things, not just their hyper intensity and subjectivity. In fact, I feel much better with them

    Disclaimer: Obviously the things I've said don't apply to all EIIs in the world, they're just things I've noticed.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    With individuals who prove to be too strong and powerful they behave like respectful little lambs. On the other hand, a person who treats EIIs well and compliments them is seen by them as a person who does it because he feels inferior to him, not just because the other tries to be polite, therefore a competitive mechanism is triggered, because the EIIs catch the opportunity to demonstrate his strenght.
    why does an EII need to demonstrate his strength? where is that coming from? u dont get it at all. its because they are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and no one respects and will respect them, no one will treat them as well as they treat their inferiors. they also treat inferiors the way themselves have been treated, and really much better most of the time, compared to literally everyoen else who's just way worse to others in their position.
    Again, they are good people, but it takes too much work to make things work.
    work its too much because u are irresponsible and throw words epxressions and behaviors around with no concern for how u affect reality. u are used to getting ur way for free and no one opposing u, but now that someone dares to actually exist just like everyone else u see it as competition, why, because u are already on top of them, they cant fight, u have no competition u are opressing them, but u see self defense/someone trying to be equal as trying to top you.
    I think the best EIIs are women. They usually have more experience which allows them to see objectivity in things, not just their hyper intensity and subjectivity. In fact, I feel much better with them
    its because first they are not forced to compete the same way a male is and second its because a lot of them are even being nicer to u BECAUES they cant compete for their right to fucking exist anyway because they are weaker than males by default.

    and no dont give me u are not doing this intentionally or that im seeing things that arent there. that would be gaslighting. i dont care if u are aware or not, because ever time someone tries to make that kind of person aware of something, u get offended. like u cant be criticized because if u do u get offended and ur neurotypical feelings are hurt so everyone must coddle you and let u walk over them. and if they dont u turn to physical or other kinds of aggression manipulation self deception and domination tactics. this post will be continued
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    There this EII. Me and other friends make him compliments to him, because it happens when you try to support a friend. They are not fake compliments. We associate him to actors that 10% resemble, but obviously does not have the same charm at all (he is quite ugly). But he swells with self-esteem, as if he believed he is exactly like that actor. In itself, that's a good thing about EIIs. We all need self confidence.

    The problem? He does not make the slightest compliment and indeed try to undermine any objectivity when it comes to these people he considers equal/inferior with which he is competing.
    people can unconsciously sense u are manipulating them. compliments are for narcissists, especialyl when insincere. it also breeds narcissism. vanity. someone is not valued if they are not beautiful. then u need to compliment them, because u think if they are not beauitful they are not valuable. if u didnt, then why put the emphasis on compliments in the first place. if everyone gets compliments equally, then its not real, of course someone is better than him, and of course if he receives more compliments than he is giving, because he is autistic and at least tries to be honest perhaps. if everyone receives equal compliments then he doesnt know who is better than who, and who just wakes up and decides "TODAY IM GONNA BE DELUSIONAL ON PURPOSE AND GASLIGHT EVERYONE". to top it off it makes someone vulnerable by inflating their ego so it hurts so much more when it gets shattered, it creates a cognitive network that doesnt reflect reality, that cant be easily removed, so u just wasted so much of his time and energy by making it way harder for him to come to terms with reality.

    And that's what I hate most about EIIs. This damned vision of one's own experiences as gold, compared to those of others who are considered manure.
    this is literally every normie's defense. just because u both have views doesnt mean they are equal. normies just feed each other vain validation there is no logic and reason involved, its about gaslighting themselves out of reality as much as they can. why cant u comprehend that of course at least initially someone's vision to themselves will seem more reasonble than another view. this is someone who cultivates their world perception with effort and consideration to reality, and u just come and invalidate that bc "BUT WHAT ABOUT MY REALITY???" and expect them to be uncricital of u. of course i expect someone to see my views as shit or wrong but they can think about them over time and change their mind or see where im coming from or maybe i can change my mind and they can convince me. u are the ones turning it into a competition because u dont know how to disagree. because UR ego is so fragile u need to cling to ur delusions and not allow anyone to tell u how wrong u are.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    what is your sociotype VewyScawwyNawcissist?

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    what is your sociotype VewyScawwyNawcissist?
    IEI or EIE
    maybe IEI-D or EIE-H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    What I notice very much about them is passive competition.
    This was a very interesting post. Thanks for writing it, I enjoyed reading it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    One day, an overprotective LSE stomps you into the ground (while of course not trying to hide it from the EII, yet not trying to make a huge scene about it, but then again, she'll find out sooner or later because it's not something the LSE is/can really hide). The EIIs might get a little upset at the LSE, but it eventually earns mega brownie points, and then the EII and LSE fall in love deeply forever and then have great, great sex.

    So I suppose you play your part in all of this, LII machintruc. It all works out in the end.
    What the fuck is this fan fiction LMAO dude get a hooker or something

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    IDK, maybe it's YOU. You kinda sound like an asshole. I mean why would a teacher bail out on his job...that he is paid to do...unless the student being taught isn't even worth the money. I mean either you met a lot of cold douches or you only see your point of view.
    (Lol what am I doing replying to a forum that was started 15 years ago)

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    I find it hysterical that OP complains about EIIs having a supposed lack of empathy, yet here they are bad mouthing them without a shred of the empathy they demand from EIIs.

    Also, fuck you, EIIs are sweet and understanding to anyone they have a close relationship with, and I honestly prefer that over Fe doms that just pretend to care about everyone to satisfy their craving for constant attention.

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    We are just closed off to strangers and aggressive advancers towards us.
    We prefer close contact with family and friends and limit our expansive empathetic energy because we handle a lot indoors
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Peppermint Wind Vane View Post
    I find it hysterical that OP complains about EIIs having a supposed lack of empathy, yet here they are bad mouthing them without a shred of the empathy they demand from EIIs.

    Also, fuck you, EIIs are sweet and understanding to anyone they have a close relationship with, and I honestly prefer that over Fe doms that just pretend to care about everyone to satisfy their craving for constant attention.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    They may become aggressive when dealing with people they don't like.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    I agree

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    IDK, maybe it's YOU. You kinda sound like an asshole. I mean why would a teacher bail out on his job...that he is paid to do...unless the student being taught isn't even worth the money. I mean either you met a lot of cold douches or you only see your point of view.
    (Lol what am I doing replying to a forum that was started 15 years ago)
    Are you trying to understand EIIs?

    Here’s an interesting article
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    They may become aggressive when dealing with people they don't like.
    The thing is, we must define the context in which we are using the word "aggressive:--there are different types of aggression. ESIs are more likely to use their natural, body based energy to assert their morality (it's the vibe of "you don't want to cross me" or "fall in line...or else). But it's more of a defensive than offensive posture. ESIs aren't bullies, but they are forceful about establishing what they subjectively find to be the correct ethical behavior. Because of their energy, they are more likely to be respected, and maybe even a little feared. That's how you vibe to me.

    EIIs, on the other hand, attempt to defend themselves through their intuitive insights about people (what the "bad guys" might do/are going to do) and "sounding the alarm." But they do this via their words, writing, art, etc... Physically and energetically, they don't present as a threat, at all (Se PoLR).

    @VewyScawwyNawcissistThis is an EII:

    Notice the languid, drooping, depressive eyes (that may hint at a degree of psychosis), the slumped body posture, the overall "aura" of weakness, defeat, apathy, and inertia--like someone who has given up. IME, rational, introverted and intuitive types tend to have a weird, body-awkward, fantasy "creature" kind of phenotype/disposition.

    His only area of interest on this forum tends to be making abstracted observations about the underlying nature of alleged "Narcissists" and talking a whole lot of "woo woo," barely decipherable jibber jabber that most seem to ignore.

    Whereas, if I look at your avatar pic, I see a lot more energy, alertness, and "confidence" in your eyes. You aren't cocky, but you aren't about to be walked over. You aren't prey.

    Imagine a situation where you or him had to physically defend those you care about? He's just going to start pissing and shitting himself simultaneously and if the perpetrator is an SLE, he might end up getting his neck snapped in a mercy killing OR left alone out of pity and revulsion (fear, shame, and shit turn us off). You, on the other hand, I believe have the power to castrate a motherfucker with your bare hands, if necessary. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    The thing is, we must define the context in which we are using the word "aggressive:--there are different types of aggression. ESIs are more likely to use their natural, body based energy to assert their morality (it's the vibe of "you don't want to cross me" or "fall in line...or else). But it's more of a defensive than offensive posture. ESIs aren't bullies, but they are forceful about establishing what they subjectively find to be the correct ethical behavior. Because of their energy, they are more likely to be respected, and maybe even a little feared. That's how you vibe to me.

    EIIs, on the other hand, attempt to defend themselves through their intuitive insights about people (what the "bad guys" might do/are going to do) and "sounding the alarm." But they do this via their words, writing, art, etc... Physically and energetically, they don't present as a threat, at all (Se PoLR).

    @VewyScawwyNawcissistThis is an EII:

    Notice the languid, drooping, depressive eyes (that may hint at a degree of psychosis), the slumped body posture, the overall "aura" of weakness, defeat, apathy, and inertia--like someone who has given up. IME, rational, introverted and intuitive types tend to have a weird, body-awkward, fantasy "creature" kind of phenotype/disposition.

    His only area of interest on this forum tends to be making abstracted observations about the underlying nature of alleged "Narcissists" and talking a whole lot of "woo woo," barely decipherable jibber jabber that most seem to ignore.

    Whereas, if I look at your avatar pic, I see a lot more energy, alertness, and "confidence" in your eyes. You aren't cocky, but you aren't about to be walked over. You aren't prey.

    Imagine a situation where you or him had to physically defend those you care about? He's just going to start pissing and shitting himself simultaneously and if the perpetrator is an SLE, he might end up getting his neck snapped in a mercy killing OR left alone out of pity and revulsion (fear, shame, and shit turn us off). You, on the other hand, I believe have the power to castrate a motherfucker with your bare hands, if necessary. lol
    I just don’t see myself as ESI sorry
    I don’t think upon meeting me in person others would either
    You can check out the Richmond meetup for the opinions of those on the forum who have met me in person
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Notice the languid, drooping, depressive eyes (that may hint at a degree of psychosis), the slumped body posture, the overall "aura" of weakness, defeat, apathy, and inertia--like someone who has given up. IME, rational, introverted and intuitive types tend to have a weird, body-awkward, fantasy "creature" kind of phenotype/disposition.

    His only area of interest on this forum tends to be making abstracted observations about the underlying nature of alleged "Narcissists" and talking a whole lot of "woo woo," barely decipherable jibber jabber that most seem to ignore.

    Whereas, if I look at your avatar pic, I see a lot more energy, alertness, and "confidence" in your eyes. You aren't cocky, but you aren't about to be walked over. You aren't prey.

    Imagine a situation where you or him had to physically defend those you care about? He's just going to start pissing and shitting himself simultaneously and if the perpetrator is an SLE, he might end up getting his neck snapped in a mercy killing OR left alone out of pity and revulsion (fear, shame, and shit turn us off). You, on the other hand, I believe have the power to castrate a motherfucker with your bare hands, if necessary. lol
    Judging people's types through photos (especially of people you barely know) seems kinda dumb tbh. Like, sure, your observations may be accurate descriptions of that photograph, but people never have the same energy they had on the moment said photo was taken. You can use them as references, but not as the entire basis for your analysis of someone's type.

    Also, it seems to me that you're romanticizing specific characteristics of these typings waaaaay too much. People give off certain vibes, sure, but there's a huge difference between giving off a vibe and actually being that vibe 24/7. Needless to say, no one's like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Peppermint Wind Vane View Post
    Judging people's types through photos (especially of people you barely know) seems kinda dumb tbh. Like, sure, your observations may be accurate descriptions of that photograph, but people never have the same energy they had on the moment said photo was taken. You can use them as references, but not as the entire basis for your analysis of someone's type.

    Also, it seems to me that you're romanticizing specific characteristics of these typings waaaaay too much. People give off certain vibes, sure, but there's a huge difference between giving off a vibe and actually being that vibe 24/7. Needless to say, no one's like that.
    1.) I think your profile is a sock puppet account that only became more active AFTER I called out the person responsible for making it. It's cute that you are trying to seem like an independent person. lmao

    2.) Speaking of "dumb," you make a lot of dumb assumptions.

    a.] Where the fuck did I say that I made "the entire basis" of my analysis on photos? Oh, that' s right, I never said that because I never did that.

    b.] Evidently you know jack shit about VI, because if you did, you 'd know that there are discernible traits and characteristics that each sociotype manifests EVEN in pictures; the socionist Filatova published multiple books where she showcased and explained how this is possible.

    c.] You aren't me. You can't do what I do. You don't have my strengths. I am very good at "sizing" people up by way of their body language, mannerisms, expressions, and kinetic "power" potential, EVEN in pictures. What dumb people consistently don't get is that each sociotype comes with a particular vantage point/gift. Yours (SEI) and mine are not the same. Move along now!

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